Chapter 4.58 - Out of Time

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With the evacuation of civilians, the shelter was almost empty.

Just earlier that morning, the entire first floor was packed with rows of cots and families, workers and volunteers. Now, cots had been hastily pushed into heaps along the walls. Loose clothes were strewn between them—remnants of a hasty evacuation.

Only a few cots were still out and those were occupied by exhausted supers and relief workers—each of them sleeping or close to it. Most were in civilian clothes, but some had been too tired to change out of their uniforms. Mod couldn't help but chuckle at seeing people sleeping in hoodies beside those in military camo or in flamboyant superhero uniforms.

Mod walked through the quiet shelter and then climbed the back stairs up to the roof.

He found his friends nestled on the other side of the rooftop AC units, overlooking the darkened side of the city. McGuire, Cherry, Krystal, and Larian were still wearing their suits and costumes. Arsenal wore a simple black mask and baggy hoodie overtop her thin exosuit.

Mod paused. "Aren't you guys off tonight?"

The group glanced around at each other.

Larian added, "It didn't feel right taking a break if you're not going to take one."

Mod shrugged. "I'm taking one now, aren't I?"

Cherry and Krystal rolled their eyes. Cherry said, "An hour break doesn't count. I've had lunch breaks longer than that."

If Mod were being honest, he hadn't planned on taking a break at all. There were few supers and even fewer workers left. Everyone was worn out and stretched thin. Meanwhile, Mod didn't feel tired in the slightest. His body had healed up nicely, though the battery channels in his right arm still ached.

TINA and Clara had both insisted he take time off and come up to the roof to see his friends. TINA pointed out that it would allow his body to dedicate more energy to healing his damaged battery channels. Clara pointed out that they would be going on the run soon... It might be the last time they saw McGuire and the others for a while.

Mod smiled. "Don't worry. I'll hang out for longer than that."

The group half-cheered and half-jeered at his answer. Mod ignored them and sat down next to Arsenal. She leaned against his shoulder. Between her hoodie and his own suit, he could just make out the subtle chainmail-feeling of her exosuit. Thankfully, the group settled down a moment later.

"How are you guys doing?"

McGuire scoffed. "Aside from my legs and my back and my arms and everything else, you know, not too bad. Oh, I make old man noises now, so there's that."

"What?" Arsenal asked.

Krystal snorted a laugh. "Oh, you weren't here for that. McGuire groans every time he stands up or sits down, and when he takes the stairs."

Cherry gestured to McGuire. "Go on, stand up."

McGuire whimpered. "Please, no."

Mod chuckled. "You don't need to. My dad does that and sighs every time he stretches."

Arsenal just shook her head.

Cherry asked, "Doesn't your dad do that?"

"I don't think so... but my dad's not exactly normal. He's probably got nanites for that."

McGuire adjusted his legs and winced. "TINA, if you're listening, I could use some of those."

The group waited for TINA to interject, but silence lingered.

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