Will Ospreay- Watch your mouth bruv

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Summary: to heat up the rivalry between him and Swerve he brings up Will and I's kids ( iluvnickwayne )

Tw: some what cussing, and mistakes I might have, a little bit of angst?

Will Ospreay's Pov
I walk in the arena with the Don Callis family and my wife carrying our daughter Vivianne who laid on her hanging on sucking her binky. I held the door open for her then held it open for Konosuke after Ana walked in. Ana put Viv down as she put her suitcase down by mine, Viv was standing in the middle of the room looking around sucking her binky then walked to Kyle Fletcher standing in between his legs with her hands on his leg.

He rubbed her back as I walked to the bathroom to change into my gear, Viv looked over at Don Callis and started crying that's what I came out the bathroom to see. Ana had her hand on her pregnant stomach as I looked at them confused until Kyle said "she just looked over at Don Callis and as soon as he looked at her she started crying" Ana tried not to laugh as she sat down. Konosuke picked her up to calm her down as she stopped crying and laid on him hugging him, he showed her a Japanese gummy candy and tapped Ana "yeah she can have it" she answered as Konosuke gave it to her.

Viv took out her binky waiting while Konosuke opened it for her handing it to her so she can eat it. "You fight tonight Will?" "No I have a promo" "then why do you have your gear on?" "I don't know I thought I had a match but Tony texted me when I was in the bathroom that he changed plans " I shrugged. Eh I'll change into street clothes before my promo, Konosuke put Viv down gently so she can walk over to Ana to sit with her.

The Tv was on with Dynamite playing which made Viv look over at the Tv to see Mike Bennett and Matt Taven on so she wiggled down Ana's lap walking to the tv sucking her binky turning the Tv off. Ana looked over at her "help!" She wheezed laughing.

"You want daddy to beat them up?" Ana asked joking which made Viv look at her and nod while still sucking her binky. "You need to be nice" Ana chuckles picking her up "when's your promo Will?"

"Later in the show" I stand up

I walk out the locker room with Ana walking to Renee for an interview I have before I go out there to talk to Swerve, on the way there Viv sees Ruby Soho, Angelo Parker, and Daddy Magic which makes her bounce excited as they wave to her before going to their locker room. We stand next to Renee but before I can talk Chris Jericho and his learning tree shit came into the interview, he looked over at us "Hey guys!" He said waving as Viv actually waved back at him which made Ana turn her head and cough in her shoulder to hide the laugh.

Renee laughed a little as she held the mic to Chris so we can hear him talk "hey guys!" He said again as Viv waved again, he continued to talk "you see Will if you want to beat Swerve at Forbidden Door-", I cut him off "look bruv I don't need your help at all and I don't want your help I can take him on my own" after I said that he was rambling on and on giving Ana tips on how to wrestle after she gives birth to our second child.

After he was saying whatever he was saying he walked away "thanks guys!" Bryan Keith stepped closer to us saying loudly "respect Chris Jericho!" Before walking away. "Is he wonky in the head?" I look over at Ana and Renee

"Most likely" Renee said as Ana nodded her head in agreement as she clipped Viv's binky to her shirt. To pass time until my thing with Swerve we sit at catering eating whatever they have there. When Ana sat down Viv walked over to Ruby Soho hugging her stomach lightly and kissing it "baby" she said putting her finger on Ruby's stomach pointing to it lightly.

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