Surrounded (Pt 18)

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Crowley's POV:

I was getting mail for what felt like eternity when I heard something I probably wasn't supposed to.

"You WILL bring me the demon Crowley before the end of the day. I know he's around here somewhere. I am not one to gamble my success and that worthless excuse of a demon is key to our assurance."  Lucifer growled to the small pod of demons surrounding him. 

I quickly dropped off the mail and sped out of the room. I needed to contact Beelzebub and so I began weaving through the demons in search of the ex-duke.

"What are you doing?" Beelzebub whispers from the shadows.

"I was looking for you" I say.

"I figured that much out easily enough. What is the problem?" Beelzebub buzzes.

"I don't know the plan and I don't think it matters because as soon as they find out where we are they are going to start the plan." I inform quickly.

"Then what are we doing? We have to get out of here!" Beelzebub whispers quickly.

"I know but... what about our plan?" I ask.

"That plan isn't going to work. Demons are too fickle in their masters we won't be able to keep their attention before fear puts them back into place." Beelzebub sighs.

"So how do you suppose we..." I start.

"Wonderful, simply splendid" I freeze after hearing the voice. "I was beginning to fear that you'd finally been taken back to heaven, and Beelzebub, I was beginning to believe that you'd left again for that traitorous angel." 

I turn around to face Lucifer.

"I told you I saw them together not to long ago." the snitch says happily while looking at Lucifer.

"Yes, yes what do you want? a cookie? extra damnation? how about a taste of the most intense flames Hell has to offer?" Lucifer says slowly.

"I-I will get back to work" the demon scurries away.

"Don't try and evade me" Lucifer shouts as the two of us had slunk away in his commentary.

"Evade? US? Never! We were simply getting back to work was all" I say quickly.

"Work?" Lucifer laughs, "Crowley I don't care how hard you think you've worked. You don't know what work is. You are part of my plan, and in it you don't have to do nearly anything. Beelzebub you are not entirely needed or necessary but I find that if Crowley finds you important enough to risk his and his angel's life, then you must be useful in some way." 

"Oh Beelzebub? SO useful that one, the most useful for any good plan to go the right way" I say quickly.

"SILENCE!" Lucifer spits, "I already decided, you don't have to protect the ex-duke in such a petty attempt.... In the meantime, you will be placed together somewhere without escape and will only come out when I find your presence useful, and for both of your sakes, I hope you are as important to your angels as you make yourselves out to be." 

Aziraphale's POV:

It was chaos within moments the alarms had sounded and it was time to go to war. All my plans went out the window as armor and weapons began passing around heaven.


The troops needed no more to rally them up into a blood thirsty frenzy. Disorganized the angels frantically sped around heaven and quickly got into lines to forge our ranks.

"This has to stop. They are still down there" Gabriel says unhelpfully.

"Don't you think I know that" I growl.

With a calming breath I join the Metatron.

"Good to see you Supreme Archangel Aziraphale, the troops need a leader to go into battle." greets the Metatron.

"Ah, yes well about that. Are we sure that the war is starting now?" I ask.

"Yes it was declared and per the ancient rules time will freeze on earth as it becomes out battleground." The Metatron answers.

"I see" I say while watching the troops begin their march down towards earth.

"You must lead them." The Metatron commands.

I nod in response and lead Gabriel up to the front with me as we descend back to earth, and yet this time it won't be earth as we knew it, it will become an obstacle course to the end of times.

"What do we do now?" asks Gabriel.

"For now we go along with Heaven as far as we can." I tell him.

Marching down the stairs I feel the difference immediately. Life was paused but in a way that it almost made it feel extinguished. I felt sorrow flood me as I lead the march past what used to be busy streets empty.

"We had to move the humans to protected areas to safely begin our war." The Metatron says next to me.

I'm grateful that they are all safe but it didn't solve the dread the filled my stomach more and more as we searched for the demons. It was like this for some time before I started to smell a trap.

"I don't think this is a good idea" I tell the Metatron.

"Nonsense we can defeat this enemy swiftly and without any fear"

"I am not saying we couldn't, only that I don't feel that this is the right time. We should fall back until we at least find them and figure out what they are up to. I don't have a good feeling about..." I tried to explain.

"Enough" The Metatron interrupts, " We will proceed with caution, but that is all. WE MOVE ON!"

The encouraged troops holler and clash their shields and swords together. Knowing we were walking into a trap and then still marching forward gave me more frustration than ever. Soon enough flames surrounded us at all sides, and a cackle could be heard from deep within earths core. Rising from the depths emerged the large Lucifer I met at the first apocalypse. 


I could feel the heat of the flames begin licking closer and closer into our ranks. Some tried to fly out and were immediately shot out of the sky by nearby demons.

"FIGHT ON! REGROUP!" The Metatron tried futilely to direct the angels.

The flames burned higher and brighter, and yet all I could think about was that I had to get out of this... to get to Crowley.

"What do we do?" Gabriel asks.

"We need a plan" I say to him through the choking smoke.

"Great what's the plan"

"I wish I had one"

Author's note:

SUPER sorry guys, life gets busy. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Until next time!


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