Chapter 21

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In Hastinapura

When the royal family of Hastinapura heard the devastating news of the supposed deaths of the Pandavas, Kunti, Subhadra and Ishanka in the fire at Varnavat, the depth of their sorrow and shock had been immense. Each member of the royal household had experienced a profound sense of loss and a whirlwind of emotions, reflecting the intricate familial bonds and political complexities.

Drithirastar and Gandhari:

King drithirastar , the blind king of Hastinapura,  has been overwhelmed with grief and guilt. Although he had always harbored concerns about his own sons's rivalry with the Pandavas, the news of their tragic end would have struck a deep blow. He have felt the weight of responsibility, pondering whether his inaction and inability to curb Druyodhan's jealousy had indirectly led to this catastrophe. Queen Gandhari, known for her piety and virtue, had shared in this sorrow deeply, mourning the loss of her nephews sister-in-law, Kunti, and the daughters -in-law of Hastinapura, Subhadra and Ishanka.Her sorrow compounded by her unwavering sense of dharma, knowing such a tragedy should not have befallen the innocent.

Pitamahi Bheeshma:

Pitamahi Bheeshma, the grand patriarch of the Kuru dynasty, devastated. He had sworn to protect the Kuru dynasty and the well-being of its members, and the supposed deaths of the Pandavas, Kunti, Subhadra and his favorite above all Ishanka. He felt like a personal failure. His grief was profound, as he held deep affection for the Pandavas, respected Kunti, Lovable affection for Subhadra and deep admiration. Adoration amd love for Ishanka. He cried for the lost hugging pandavas weapons

Mahamantri Vidur:

Mahamantri Vidur, the wise and just advisor of the Kuru kingdom, had been both heartbroken and suspicious. Known for his foresight and wisdom, he had always been wary of Druyodhan's schemes. The news of the fire would likely ignite his suspicions about foul play, and his grief would be tinged with a sense of injustice and a drive to uncover the truth behind the tragedy.

Druyodhana and Sakuni :

Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kauravas, and his uncle Shakuni have reacted differently. While publicly, they  have expressed sorrow and lamented the loss, internally they   felt a grim satisfaction, seeing this as the removal of obstacles to Duryodhana's ascension to power. Their feigned grief masked their true feelings, as they saw the Pandavas's and their family supposed demise as a step towards consolidating their own influence in Hastinapura.

The Kuru Court and Citizens:

The broader Kuru court and the citizens of Hastinapura  plunged into mourning. The Pandavas were beloved by the people for their virtues, strength, and adherence to dharma. The loss of Ishanka , known for her grace,fortitude, naughtiness and mature also deeply felt along with  Kunti and Subhadra.The entire kingdom enveloped in sorrow, with rituals of mourning and tributes to honor the fallen members of the royal family.

In this atmosphere of grief and suspicion, the emotional landscape of Hastinapura would be fraught with sorrow, uncertainty, and a deep sense of foreboding about the future. The supposed deaths of the Pandavas, Kunti, Subhadra and Ishanka would mark a turning point, casting a long shadow over the royal family and the kingdom.

In Duwaraga

In the Dwapara, the loss of a beloved princesses of Ishanka and Subhadra , along with their husbands,in-laws casted a pall of profound sorrow over her family.

The princess Ishanka, known for her blend of innocence and wisdom, mischievousness and maturity, have been the heart and soul of her family, embodying the delicate balance of childlike playfulness and mature grace.

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