Chapter Twenty Four. Black Relict

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Year E3029

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Year E3029


"Intruder!" the bug screeched while flying around.

I clicked the rocklock catalog, watching it collapse into a small square box again. I gripped the cold rock, placing it in my pocket. A metal basket of sunflower gum caught my eyes as I grabbed a handful, placing them next to the rocklock. Thomas's eyes met mine as he smirked, seeing me steal from Clair.

"Fucking intruders!" the bell bug yelled.

The insect buzzed by my face before I spun to see Wyatt entering the door. Becca stepped into the office behind him.

The bell bug dive-bombed Becca, jabbing at her arm. It flew up to her face, attaching to the top of her head. "Beep, beep, beep, intruder!"

Becca waved her arms around her head, wanting to swat the bug away from her, but didn't want to injure it. "Get this gross thing off of me!" she yelled.

The bell bug crawled from her hair to her face, biting at her forehead. Blood dripped to her eyebrow while Wyatt smacked the insect hard, sending it across the room.

Clair ran over to the bug, scooping it up. "What the fuck, Wyatt!" she yelled at him.

The bell bug stood in her hand, making angry noises. It slowly flew from her palm onto her shoulder, perched, watching Becca.

"What was I supposed to do?" Wyatt replied to Clair, while inspecting Becca's face. "Your bug was out of control."

Thomas brought his hand to his mouth, covering his laugh. He made eye contact with me, causing him to spit-laugh into his palm. I erupted in laughter with him, holding my stomach.

Thomas put his hand out, holding the desk while trying to bring himself back together.

Wyatt crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at us while Becca let out a small giggle. Her high-pitched laugh filled the air before she snorted and covered her mouth with embarrassment.

"Sorry," she said in a muffle from her hand.

"Okay, enough," Clair said. "Ocea has what she wants. Time for you to leave." Clair placed her hand on my back, pushing me toward the door.

"Wait," Wyatt said. "Isn't Stopper here?"

Clair froze. "Stopper?" she questioned with her cheeks turning red. "I don't know where he is, but he's not here." Clair put her hand on her hip, acting like Stop means nothing to her.

"You sure?" I added, leaning against the door. "He and Dylan said they were heading here."

Clair scrunched her eyebrows together before leaving into the back room. I glanced at Wyatt while she shrugged his shoulders with a straight expression. The sound of old keys rang while Clair strolled back into the room.

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