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This is yn

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This is yn. She is 7 years old.she was born in france on 8 December 2000). She is adopted by mrs.lee(yn's adoptive mother). Yn's real surname is kim. Her real father died when she was 2. He was mafia. Because of this mafia thing he died with yn's mother.yn's real mother was's(yn's father's second wife. His first wife died)'s real mother) was half indian and chinese while is korean .She has real siblings.  They all are older than her. They are trying to find her. She don't know about it.yn wants to be a kpop idol. She moved to new zeland when she was 4 but after 1 year she came to korea.She knows how to sing.
Yn has gummy smile from suga and jennie,bunny teeth from jennie and jisoo,heart smile from taehyung and jisoo,boxy smile from taehyung,dimples from namjoon. She has chubby cheeks like jimin and jennie.she has lips like jimin. She is savage like suga and jennie. She is beautiful like jisoo. She got caty eyes like jennie.her cooking skills are like jin. She has deep voice like jisoo and taehyung but can make her voice sweet like rose and jimin.She is foodie like rose. She loves her stepbrother (like brother) and mother too much.she hates her stepdad.(mr. Lee) because he beats her mom and her brother and also her. She was bullied at school. Because of that she went in depression at the age of 5.she have anxiety.

This is lee know

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This is lee know. He is 9 years old.he was born in daegot-myeon gimpo-si in south korea on 25 october 1998.He knows yn is adopted. He love her like sister. He love his mom. He hate his dad.

Yn's siblings oldest to youngest

Yn's siblings oldest to youngest

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 Mafia idol siblings (bangpink and yn)Where stories live. Discover now