@chapter; 5

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"karasu I'm hungry"-H

"Hiori it's been 20 minutes"-K

"But I'm hungry"-H

"If you want you can have my bread Hiori"-Y

"Ohhh, thanks yukimiya!"-H

"Haha, no problem"-Y


"Bro he just gave you that like 3 minutes ago, how did you finish it already?"-K

"Because I'm hungry "-H

"Then why didn't you bring any snacks with you?"-K

"I did"-H

"Oh my gosh"-K

"I'm gonna save them for later, incase I get really hungry"-H

"Alright students, we have made it to our destination. Please check your belongings before leaving the bus!"-A

"Alright, I got all my stuff, what about you Hiori?"-K


{They're going to a zoo btw 😅😅}

"Wahh!!! Karasu look!!! They have doves!!! And owls!!! And parrots!!!! And and!!!!"-H

"Of course there are animals here, Hiori"-K

"Hehe, sorry "-H

"Have you never been to a zoo?"-K

"No, my family doesn't take me anywhere because I need to focus on my studies, every time there's a school field trip they would tell my teacher that I wasn't coming "-H

"Wow. Now that's just sad"-K

"Nah, it ain't that bad"-H

"Wait, where did yukki and otoya go?"-K

"Probably Where the lions are"-H

"Oh gosh"-K

"Let's go check!"-H


"There they are!"-H

"Oh you were right "-K

"Oh hey guys!"-Y


"Sup bro"-K

"What were you guys doing here?"-H

"Otoya wanted to see if he could pick a fight with the lion"-Y

"And you didn't stop him?"-H

"Nah, why should I stop him? It would be funny watching him fight with a lion"-Y

"Hehe, you're right"-H

"I'm secretly a ninja"-O

"Bro, you should stop yapping about ninjas"-K


The four of them started walking to where the others were because anri had called them all so she could give each pair a map of the zoo so they won't get lost. On the back of the map is a schedule.

Free time (roam around and check out the zoo)
Lunch time
Tour (walk around the zoo while one of the employees from the zoo explain each animal (no not like "this is a lion, can anyone tell me how to spell it?" But like facts about its organs or something))
Go home

"Damn, this zoo is big"-O

"Let's go check out the elephants!"-H


Author's note:
Idk why but I made them go to the zoo bcs yes (idk how to explain it)

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