@chapter; 7

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"I'm surprised rin isn't here"-H

"Oh he had to go home early due to family problems"-I

"Aww that's sad"-H

"I know right"-I

"I wish we went to the aquarium"-K (kurona)


"Because he wanted to check out the sharks"-I

"I kinda wanted to go to the aquarium too, I wanted to see the Jellyfishes"-H

The three of them continued to talk until lunch time was over.

"Hey guys we should get going, lunch time is already over"-Y

"Oh really? Damn, time passes by so quick"-I

"We should get going before Ms anri gets mad"-H

"Yeah you're right"-I

"Howdy kids! My name Colonel Sanders! And I'm here to tell you facts about chickens! And you might even get free fried chicken 🤑"-KFC

"Nah bro's acting like we're 5 years old"-K(karasu)

"Anyway, why is Colonel Sanders even here, actually, why is KFC here?"-O

"I mean, this zoo is filled with little kids"-H

"Annoying little kids"-K(karasu)

"Now that's just mean"-H

"But it's true"-K(karasu)

"This chicken is kinda good"-H

"It tastes normal"-O

"Nah, it tastes kinda mid"-K

"It's ok I guess, although I'm not used to eating these kinda stuff"-Y

"Ok Mr perfect or Mr model or Mr I'm the true rizz master"-K

"Atleast I have charm, unlike some people"-Y

"Hey! I have charm"-K

"Uh huh, sure. I'm pretty sure your charm only works on Hiori"-Y

"Why me?"-H

"Dude, You are so dense"-O

"Can y'all just shut up"-K

"Ugh, this tour is so boring"-K

"I know right"-O

"This is why your grades are average"-Y


"I mean he's right, they're not explaining elementary school animal facts"-H

"I guess you're right"-K



Author's note:
I'm planning on making another karasu x hiori fanfic, but should I really?

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