@chapter: 6

37 1 2

"that one looks like my ex-girlfriend"-O

"Which one?"-K

"That one"-O

"No, I meant which ex-girlfriend"-K

The two of them laughed at karasu's joke as yukimiya and Hiori stared at them with different expressions, yukimiya wasn't surprised because they've been friends since middle school and he has already gotten used to it, meanwhile Hiori stared at them with a look of disappointment as he felt bad for who they were talking about.

"Let's go check out the snakes"-K


"You scared of them?"-K


"Then you wouldn't mind going, would you?"-K

"I'm not scared of snakes!"-H

"I didn't say you were"-K

Karasu continued to tease Hiori until yukimiya told them to stop.

"You guys act like you're dating"-O

"Yeah, we get that a lot. We're not dating"-H


Karasu grinned as hiori's face turned red out of embarrassment.

"That one looks edible"-O

"Bro what are you talking about"-K

"It looks scary..."-H

"It looks.. well, it looks normal"-Y

"Yeah, you guys are just weird"-K

"You're also weird, you know"-Y

"We should get going "-H

"Why? Are you that scared of the snake?"-K

"No! It's just that it's almost 12.30 pm"-H

"Oh? What time is it, Hiori?"-Y

"It's 12.25 pm"-H

"Well we better hurry, we don't wanna get scolded by Ms anri"-K

"Let's sit over there"-O

"Oh sorry guys, I promised isagi and kurona that I was gonna sit with them"-H

"Then we'll come with you"-K

"Karasu, we-"-Y

"No it's alright, I don't mind"-H

"Hey, Hiori! Over here!"-I

"Sorry I was taking too long, these 3 idiots wanted to go see the snakes"-H

"Correction, 2"-Y


Author's note:
Funny cuz I finished this yesterday but then I forgot to publish it

//what love truly means//karasu x hiori fanfic//Where stories live. Discover now