#13 - it's been a while

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[written by shundorifurry]

I'm aware it's been quite a while.

A really long while.

You see, I've been on a hiatus. But I'm back now.

Although it has probably been a few months in your world, it's only been a couple of days in mine. It's called fiction for a reason.

... Yes, I'm aware that I'm fictional. I've mentioned being a side character atleast a thousand times.

Anyway, today is a Wednesday. We have no school today due to this thing called “INSET Day”. It's when teachers do training. I think.

I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I didn't know what to do. I'm not sure of what my hobbies or interests are. I'd say I'm pretty similar to the original original Iris though. But I wouldn't say I'd want to completely end up like her by the end. I like art. Specifically those ones you'd find on Pinterest if you search up “things to draw emo/coquette/kawaii/aesthetic” or something along those lines. Maybe even some modern arts. I like digital art, too, especially those majestic ones on Tiktok. I could never do something as good as those.

Sorry, I got a bit off topic. I don't know what I'm talking about.

... What was this chapter about again? Art?

Let's talk about art. What is art? What does it mean to you? Have you ever had an experience where you were in an art lesson doing a task and you answer the question in a full P. E. T. A. L. paragraph analysing the art and question but you were rushing and so your handwriting ends up looking like squiggly lines like a doctor's handwriting and when your partner tried to copy, they didn't know what it said and they asked you what it said and then you actually read it out to them and they just looked at you with this flabbergasted and dumbfounded expression?

Iris could relate. I could never. I'd probably be the one looking at her as if she's lost her mind. She has lost her mind. She's like a TOTAL psycho.

Maybe I could rant about the people in my life?

Maxwell's actor is okay. He's nice when he wants to be but is really rude when he also wants to be. He's the type of guy to stay away from arguments though, and say that “arguing wouldn't get us anywhere and this is pointless” and wouldn't even choose a side. If he has to, he'd join the winning side of course. If the winning side ever ends up losing at the end, he'd say he was never a part of it. Typical Jean.

Iris is crazy. A total mental, psychotic maniac. Claims to be kinky which is absolutely weird. That's all I have to say about her. Ah, yes, I just remembered she's also a big simp. She's also “different”. Literally. There's people out there simping on Satoru Gojo and she claims to absolutely DETEST the guy. But she's the type to also be into the WORST characters that everybody hates. Take Mahito for example. And then she goes on to hate on Sukuna.

Aqua is a pretty chill guy. He overuses "💀" over text. Every sentence he would use the skull emoji. Anything you say, he'd send a skull emoji. Other than that, he's pretty supportive. Pretty cool guy. He's not bad. He's like the total opposite of Iris. I'm telling you now, the guy avoids Iris and her freakyness whenever he could. But once again, he's a chill, nice guy.

Mabel is some edgy goth wannabe. She's kinda weird, but not the freaky weird Iris is. She's like creepy weird, into Jeff the Killer and stuff. It's kinda frightening sometimes. She's also always nonchalant about everything. It's like nothing matters to her. I guess if you're really close to her, she's actually a nice girl.

Damian has this cold demeanor. He's so blunt about everything. But it doesn't mean he doesn't care. He's also a supportive guy. It's not all the time that you get to see his playful side rather than him being depressed. He's not into freaky stuff but he can get freaky without being freaky. I don't know how to explain it. He's the type of guy Aqua would cringe at when Iris describes him. But then at the same time I don't think Aqua would find him that bad, as long as it isn't Iris describing him.

The director is a literal cow. He reminds me of when J Jonah constantly insults Spiderman. It just feels like that to me.

And myself? I'm not sure. After all, I am a character created by Iris herself so I bet you she'll base my character on herself or another character she really likes. All of her OCs are literally the same person but with different names and colour palettes. She lost all of her creativity. Her OCs a few years ago were elite. But now they're all unoriginal. L Iris for that, personally (the typa thing Aqua would say to her and aggravate her until she stops talking to him for days before coming back and pretending nothing ever happened).

Did I overshare? I hope not. I have trouble with that. Sometimes I can't control myself. Sometimes I don't know if I should take back what I said or let it stay. Should I delete it or should it send? Sometimes I get too excited but then realise maybe the others aren't as excited as me and wonder if I talked too much. I just never know when to stop speaking. I guess it's because I have terrible social skills. I just yap too much. Way too much. I never know when to stop. I never know when to stop. I never know when to stop. Did you notice I made a mistake in the second sentence?

Why don't you check for yourself?

Did I trick you? Igby is not real. Did you fall for it? I hope you did.

I used to see those type of videos on Tiktok all the time a few years ago. It used to annoy me so much, especially since I kept falling for them until I memorised it. Even then, I still fell for it.

Have you seen the
the trick where they
say, "I bet you
didn't notice the
the second “the”!!"

I fell for those too until I memorised that one as well. Now I don't fall for these ones anymore. Did I trick you twice? I really hope I did.

I feel like I'm talking too much.
That I'm annoying everyone.
I meant it when I said
I always feel like I overshare.

I could write poems in this format.
Did you realise that?
Even this feels like a poem
Even though it isn't.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away there. I didn't intend on writing any poem, I just wanted to test out the format again. I think it's pretty cool.

I've written over 1100 words already.

The last word will be the 1183rd

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