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14 years old, Clarisia

With a box tucked under my arm and a large bag over my shoulder, I took a deep breath. Behind Lorelie's upright back, I stepped over the threshold.
The other residents of the youth house eyed us newcomers with curious expressions. The oldest boys and girls were lounging in the worn armchairs in front of the television and barely noticed how we hesitantly walked to the stairs.

"Cass, Lori!" Derik's voice called from above.
I tilted my head back and looked up to the first floor, where the boy was leaning over the wooden railing. His eyes shone brightly and were reminiscent of the color of glacier ice.
"Come up before the good rooms are gone!" Derik waved excitedly at us.
The steps creaked softly under my weight as I followed his instructions in front of Lorelie. My best friend and I got our rooms next to Derik's.

Because he had to repeat a year in junior school, he was already a year older than us, but that didn't stop him from behaving like an immature fourteen-year-old. So that he could stay with his classmates, he trained with our age group and moved into the youth center with us.
Lorelie and I rushed through our rooms screaming loudly and giggling as we wondered who had found where to live for the next few years.

I threw the big bag on my bed, I could unpack it later. With glowing cheeks, I closed the door behind me and wanted to knock on Lorelie's door.
At that moment the door opposite, on the other side of the stairs, opened and I saw Damien's face. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.
Finally, he frowned.
"What is there to stare at?" he grumbled.
"Ugly prospect," I muttered quietly, but judging by the annoyed expression that crept across his face, he had heard me.

"Oh God," he groaned. "Now I have to put up with your stupid face every night."
I was surprised to see that he had grown quite a bit during the holidays.
The summer had left a deep tan on his skin, which shone bronze in the soft light that shone through the windows.
His light hair fell tousled over his forehead and his blue, almost green eyes sparkled at me challengingly.

"Stop staring at me like you've never seen a boy before," he snapped. "Otherwise I'll throw up."
His words sent a wave of anger rushing through my body.
"I hate you!" I hissed, my hands clenched into fists.
A smug grin twisted his lips. "I like to hear that compliment."


When the alarm went off, I threw back the covers. I was wide awake.
I got dressed in a flash and grabbed the little present from my dressing table drawer. Sea green, shiny paper covered the box, a dark purple bow created a strong contrast. I quickly ran my fingers through my disheveled hair and stepped out into the hallway.
She was already waiting for me, a happy smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, my love!" I called.
I put my arms around my friend and hugged her so tightly that she gasped.
"Thank you!" Lorelie replied.
Derik stepped out into the hallway, closely followed by Jessy. The two hugged Lorelie and congratulated her, whereupon she laughed loudly.
"This is for you." I pressed the present into her hands.
With wide eyes, she tore up the green paper, the bow floating to the floor unnoticed. Lorelie carefully opened the box.

"Oh, thank you, Cass!" she said. Her voice trembled slightly. "It's beautiful!"
The bracelet with the silver moon pendant glittered in the light of the morning sun that fell through the window.
"It's the same one you have, right?" Lorelie's blue eyes shone moistly.
I nodded and held up my wrist with a smile. She pulled me to her chest.
"Thank you a thousand times, you are my absolute best friend," she whispered in my ear.
I lovingly placed a hand on her cheek. "And you mine."

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