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I leaned against the parapet, my fingers gripping the wooden banister.
The pain glowed like burning coals and made it almost impossible to stand upright. Razor-sharp flashes shot through my groin, making my legs tremble.
"Cass?" The voice made me spin around.
Jonah was standing in the hallway, his brow furrowed. His dark eyes examined my figure.
"Hey, honey!" I called with mock cheerfulness.
I removed my clammy hands from the banister and forced myself to smile.

"You look pale," my brother observed.
I shrugged as nonchalantly as possible.
"Hmm, I have a new face powder," I fibbed.
Jonah tilted his head, I could see that he doubted my answer.
"Are you coming to visit me?" I quickly changed the subject.
He pulled a guilty face. "I actually wanted to go to Lorelie."
"Oh," I said, unable to completely banish the disappointment from my voice. "I see."
After a brief hesitation, my brother headed for my best friend's door. "Then we'll see each other tomorrow, okay?"
I nodded eagerly. "Greet her from me."
"We'll see," he replied with a grin.

I stalked down the stairs, my hands gripping the banister tightly. When I reached the last step, I saw Derik joking with Babsi and Andy.
A thought crept into my mind.
Adults who didn't imprint immediately often did it with each other. In the last three months, I had already turned down an offer here and there.
Since Derik had had to repeat a year, he was already nineteen and I knew he was no virgin anymore. He had told me that at a party six months ago, after he had definitely had two too many gins.
I stood next to my three classmates. When Babsi and Andy sat down on the sofa, I took the opportunity.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, pulling him by the arm over to the kitchen.
Derik looked at my face curiously. "What's wrong?"
"I want to ask you something," I began. I moistened my lips with my tongue. "Um, would you like... so would you..."
I fell silent, shaking my head slightly. "Forget it."
"Cass," he said quietly. "What's wrong?"
I could see the concern in his bright eyes. His dark brows drew together.
"You can tell me anything, Cass," he continued, his expression serious. "Anything."
"Would you like to sleep with me?" I peered up at him from under my hair.

Derik returned my gaze, taken aback. "Um...""I'm in my heat," I added hastily. "Only because of that!"
Derik ran his hands through his tangled black hair, looking at me intently.
"I'd be lying if I said your heat didn't make you attractive," he finally said cautiously. "But shouldn't you ask your mate?"
I lowered my gaze to my fingers, which were twisted together. "He doesn't want to acknowledge our imprinting."
My voice broke. Finally talking to someone about it triggered more emotions in me than I wanted to admit. "Hey." Derik stroked my back comfortingly. "Then why don't you reject your imprinting?"
I desperately struggled to keep myself from bursting into tears in front of him. "It's not as easy as it seems."
Derik took me in his arms and I snuggled into his comforting embrace.

"Actually, we're too close friends for my taste to sleep together," he said after a brief hesitation. "But knowing you, you wouldn't have asked if it wasn't urgent."
"If you don't want to, you don't have to," I said quickly and tried to pull myself out of his arms.
"Oh, it's not that I don't want to," he replied and laughed softly. "Is it your heat?"
I nodded. "It hurts so much."
Derik looked at me for a moment. "Let's do it."
He leaned forward slightly.
"Go up to your room," he whispered in my ear. "I'll be there in five minutes."
With my eyes downcast, I climbed the stairs to the upper floor.

As instructed, I went into my room and sat on the edge of the bed. Nervousness tingled through my body. My palms felt sweaty and I quickly wiped them on the thin fabric of my floral dress.
There was a soft knock and my back stiffened. Derik slipped into the room and strolled towards me with a smile. He sat down next to me and I moved to the side.
A grin twisted his lips. "Are you excited?"
I hesitantly raised my head and looked into his steel blue eyes.
"A little," I admitted.
"That's completely normal," he replied calmly. "I was nervous my first time too."
I grabbed his hand and squeezed his fingers. Derik pulled me into his arms, gently stroking my back.

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