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You gaped as you observe the facility displayed in front of you. Stars practically appearing comically on your eyes, you waved your hands noticing the tired eyes of the hero that was waiting for your arrival.

"Took you long enough"

You flushed as you nurtured apologies to which the hero dismissed. He opened the gates as he let you in, ruffling your hair. You beamed at the hero, before handing him a sandwich.

"What's this?" He asked

"It's just a little thank you aizawa-san"

"Look Y/n, I understand that you work for endeavor but you don't need to tend to his sick son" aizawa visibly scolded you.

The female could only blink her eyes, tilting her head in confusion as she processed the words that came out of the hero's mouth. Finally recovering from your shock, you let out a deep sigh before covering your mouth chuckling at the olders cluelessness.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm hurt Aizawa-san! Even Hizashi-san knows that I'm dating sho-chan" you gazed at the hero, noticing his face that was red from embarrassment.

'Should I guilt trip Aizawa-san?' You thought momentarily before you could continue your scheme, you already arrived at your destination.

"Sorry kid" he apologized before ushering you to the door in front, "There just knock, it's only 5 minutes before their break. Im sure that there's no more teachers inside"

You nodded before thanking the hero, watching his retreating figure before gulping down your saliva.

'Oh heavens what did I get myself into'

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