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"Todoroki-san... do you need to go to the bathroom?" Asked a greenette as he voiced his concerns, watching as his friend continued to walk back and forth in an impatient manner.

"No Midoriya... I'm simply waiting for someon—"


He nodded before quickly turning his attention towards the door, walking in speed. Finally arriving to his destination, he opened the door a bright smile showcasing on his lips. Todoroki could feel the beating of his heart go faster than sonic, as he stared at the love of his life—You.

He gently tucked a strand of your hair on your ears as he kissed you on the cheeks; your cheeks were heating as you smiled in a dorky manner. Waving your hands in embarrassment.

"Sho-chan... your classmates"

He nodded, understanding your concern.

'What the fuck' class 1-A thought in unison, as their gaze was focused on their dual haired classmate who seemed too joyful.

I mean...just a moment ago he looked like he could kill.. like literally, but now he seems calm even happy.

"Let me grab my bag, come and sit down I'm sure you're tired" their attention quickly went towards the door seeing a female, her wings and halo that was complemented by the light as it shone on her back while she greeted them with a smile.

1-A stood agape, how the hell did this preserved Mf bag a goddess?!

"Good noon everyone, I'm sorry for intruding"

"UWAHHH!!! You're so pretty!! What's your name" A girl with pink skin asked as she stood in front of you, her grin showcasing.

"Y/n L/n, and thank yo—" you tilted your head.

"I don't know your name, I'm sorry"

Mina quickly waved her arms dismissively, as she told you her name. A lightbulb appearing on her head as she held a devilish grin.

The class could only sweat-drop as they observed their classmate already having an idea of what scheme she was planning.

"Ne, L/n-san are you and todoroki-san a thing" she asked excitement evident in her voice as she patiently waited for your response.

You quickly smiled.

"Uwahh! How did you know Mina-san!"




"Angel let's go"

You nodded as you quickly followed your lover, intertwining your fingers together as he gave you a light peck on the cheek.

"Mina... you heard it too right?"

"Oh Lord"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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