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Hi guys! Thx so much to all the people who have followed me, I hope my stories worth it! <3 Also, sry if my chapters r kinda short!

Rapunzel wanted Mother to sit down with her under the big oak tree and tell her stories of adventure and excitement and the tales behind the things in her satchel, but now Rapunzel could see Mother up close she saw how wrecked she looked. Her lips were cracked and bleeding, there were big black bags under her eyes and she was so much thinner than Rapunzel remembered. When Mother did announce that she was going to have a nap, Rapunzel tried not to feel too disappointed. Mother was home safe and sound, that was the important part. 

As Mother settled down in the big bed, Rapunzel felt her old annoyance bubbling slowly to the surface. This wasn't turning out to be the best birthday so far. She kicked a rock and winced.  

"Great, I have a scraped knee, sunburnt cheeks and now a bruised toe, all I need now is for a brick to land on my head and to fall out of a tree." She sighed. Deciding against climbing the oak tree after her last prediction, Rapunzel sat underneath the big sweeping branches and began to think hard. This was generally not a good idea. Rapunzel had always been stubborn, and curios, add that together and you get someone who asks lots of questions and does not care for blank replies.

Why can I never go with Mother? Where does she go, what does she do? Why can't I leave the glen? 

"Stop it." Rapunzel commanded. "You're extremely lucky to have a lovely mother and a safe place to live." 

But wouldn't it be better if I could live somewhere with other people my age, so I could have friends? 

"You don't need anyone." said Rapunzel firmly. "You have Mother and that's enough." Her thoughts strayed to Argos. She wished he was still there, her favourite companion in the lonely times. The wolf that had protected her long ago...... 

Rapunzel was walking in the glen. Her fingers danced across the bark of the oak tree as she murmured a poem that Mother sung to her every time they sat under the tree: 

In the forest's heart, the Oak tree stands, 

Tall and wide, its branches span, 

Its leaves whisper secrets of ancient times, 

Roots delve deep, where stories climb, 

Through seasons' dance, steadfast and true, 

In its embrace, a haven anew

So cherish the Oak, in its quiet might, 

A sentinel standing through day and night, 

For in its shade, dreams take flight, 

Where the Oak tree stands, life alight. 

Rapunzel screamed in terror as one of them lunged snapping at her. One of his razor sharp tore at her skin and she shrieked with pain and agony and clutched at her shoulder. Another wolf lunged, but Rapunzel lashed out with her foot, kicking the animal hard in the snout. The creature howled and backed away to behind

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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