Ozotto's arrival

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Deep within the outskirts of space there is a being coming to planet earth. An awful terrifying being. Ozotto The Super Monster!

Ozotto: If my calculations are correct. Earth is not too much farther from here. Now after 2 decades of suffering i'm going to extract my revenge on Son Goku and his friends! They will all die by my hand!!!

Meanwhile on earth Trunks and Goten are training on top of the lookout.

Trunks: Hiya hiya yayaya

Goten: Hiya yayayayaya c'mon Trunks is that the best you got???

Trunks: Haven't even gotten started yet Goten! Burning Attack!!!


Goten deflects the blast away but notices somethings off.

Goten: What is that Trunks?!

Trunks: Huh?! You weren't kidding Goten! What the hell is that?!

Goten: Dende Mr Popo do you have any idea what that could be???

Mr Popo: Unfortunately i do know. It is Ozotto.

Trunks & Goten: Ozotto?? Who the heck is that?

Mr Popo: Ozotto is a powerful and evil being. Some call him the super monster and some call him the demon of time. He is the strongest entity in this universe or any. For thousands and thousands of years he has gone through the realms of space to challenge the universe's strongest warriors. As you can see he is... Undefeated. Except one. Your father Goten. Goku. He defeated Ozotto and he never came back. Until now. He's come back and the only person that can stop him... Is Goku.

Meanwhile the menacing Ozotto makes his final approach to earth!

Ozotto: Now you wretched Saiyan shall die and grovel at my feet while you beg me too spare your pathetic life!!!

Dende: He's here. Goten Trunks!!! Both of you in the time chamber hurry!!!

Trunks: What?!

Goten: Why??

Dende: Because if Ozotto defeats Goku and the others you'll be the only 2 left to defend earth! And you're both going too be needing as much training as possible!

Goten: He's right Trunks.

Trunks: Ughhh.. All right let's do it!

Mr Popo: We'll protect the lookout while you're in tue chamber boys.

Goten: But what if he comes here first?!

Dende: Then... We'll try our best to hold him off.

Goten: Uh!! Dende? You sure?

Dende: Yes! We'll be fine you two just go!

Trunks: All right. Goten lets go!!

Trunks & Goten enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber! But as the enter the Time Chamber Ozotto enters the earths atmosphere. Out for revenge the super monster isn't taking any prisoners. He's here too kill...

Ozotto: Hm, well nothing much to this planet but plants and worthless life forms taking up space. Well. I can change that. Heheh.

???: Well not if we have anything to say about it!

Ozotto: Hm?

Three of earths warriors arrived to the battlefield! It is Tienshinhan/Yamcha/ & Majin Buu!!

Tien: Who are you and what are you doing here?!

Ozotto: Hehe. Well if you must know my name is Ozotto. Te super monster! And i am looking for Son Goku!

Yamcha: What do you want with Goku?!?

Ozotto: You'll find out soon enough. But in the meantime since you three decided to show up lets see how strong you all really are!

Ozotto The Super MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now