The Hyperbolic Time Chamber

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Goten: I don't know Trunks. I feel like we should be out there instead of in here!

Trunks: Yea i feel you. It's killing me but we have no time to waste we have to start training now.

Goten: Right! Woah what the heck is this Trunks?

Trunks: It's an artificial gravity machine!

Goten: In the Time Chamber??

Trunks: I guess so. Well it goes up too 300 so why don't we start at 20 and work our way up?

Goten: Alright let's do it!!!

Meanwhile on the battlefield.

Ozotto: Hm, This is odd.

Tien: What is??

Ozotto: That you three are still here? Most of the warriors would've either surrendered or ran off... You earthlings must have much pride in what you do i suppose?

Yamcha: Yea that's right!!!

Tien: That's our job as earths Warriors is too defend it no matter how big or how strong the opponent is!

Yamcha: So it doesn't matter really who goes first Ozotto! The outcome will be the same either way!

Ozotto: Ohhhh? And what will the outcome be? Please enlighten me dear earthling.

Yamcha: You will be defeated!!!

Ozotto: HAHAHA is that a threat?

Tien: Heh. Nope just the truth!

Ozotto: Well let us see if you're as strong as you boys say you are. How abouttttt. You all three come at me at once?

Tien: All at once?!

Yamcha: Are you Crazy?!

Majin Buu: All three?!

Ozotto: Well unless if i sturdier then yes you imbecile's all 3 at once!!! I can take on 100 of you and it still wouldn't of made a difference!

Tien,Yamcha,Buu all look at each other and nod.

Tien: Lets get him!!!



They all charge Ozotto at once!

Tien: Hiya yayayayayayayaya

Yamcha: Hiya yayayayayayayaya

Both falied as Ozotto swatted there attacks away like a bug on a wall.

Buu: Buu's turn!!! Hiyaaa yayayayaya

Buu's efforts were also very futile as he missed every punch and kick he threw as well.

Ozotto: Hm, is it my turn already? How disappointing. You had me all hyped up for nothing!

Tien: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh TRI BEAMMMMMMM CANNON!!!!!!

Yamcha/Buu: Kamehamehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All three blasts connect with Ozotto. But as the dust and smoke settles. His terrifying figure still stands there. Laughing mocking there attacks.

Ozotto: Well hate to disappoint you fellas but i've had worse insect bites then that pathetic attack you three just attempted!

Tien: Uhh?! He's.. He's.. Unstoppable!

Ozotto: Thank you for pointing out the obvious but i believe this is where the fun ends and the terror begins!!!

Yamcha: Ughhh.. what the hell are we going to do Tien?!

Tien: I don't know but we have to hold our own until help arrives. Because i'm not going down without a fight dammit!!! And neither are you two! Were stronger than this!

Yamcha: You're right!!! We can still hold our own and we will!

Buu: Buu will fight till Buu can fight no more!!!

Tien: Alright well then let's get this arrogant bastard!

All three charge again at once.


Meanwhile in the Time Chamber Goten and Trunks have turned the Gravity machine up to fifty already and are getting stronger by the second!

Trunks: Woah i'm starting to get the hang of this Goten! At this rate we can reach 300 times gravity in no time!!!

Goten: Haha yea! Let's keep going though we don't want to stop now!

Trunks: Hm, Right!

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