Chapter one: Abanoded child

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In a dark and dense forest, was a man. He stood silently, almost as still as a statue. He felt a presence nearby, but he doesn't seem to react at all. He only listens carefully.

A giggle. A sound that came from a tiny child.

The sounds of giggles echo through the serene silence. Inhaling deeply, he listens intently to the sound. A young boy, no more than maybe four years old, walks in the forest, giggling, oblivious to the dangers lurcking in the shadows. With a hint of intrigue, the man follows the source of the sound.

He has ruffled, black hair with burgundy tips, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark red eyes with white pupils that appear lighter around the lower section of his irises. He also has a scar on the top left of his forehead. His nose and cheeks are slightly red from being out in the cold for too long. His face and clothing are covered in tiny dirt patches, indicating that he has fallen more than once. Around his neck is a string, and to the string is tied a small piece of paper.

The man, with the name Kokushibo, stares quietly at the child. Why is he alone in this forest? He is pulled from his thoughts when he notices that the boy isn't anywhere in his sight anymore. He can sense the child, but he can't see him.

He walks through the forest silently, not even a single sound emanates from his footsteps. Kokushibo admits, this boy has caught his attention. He searches for the young boy with a hint of curiosity in his six eyes. The forest is nearly silent.

Until a familiar giggle is heard behind him.

The sudden sound is unexpected, causing him to freeze in place for a brief moment. Slowly, he turns around, his six eyes staring in the direction of the giggle, his face calm yet calculating. The boy is there, peeking from behind a tree at Kokushibo with a joyful smile, not showing any signs of fear at the man's extra eyes.

If he felt a pang of pity earlier, it is now replaced by a sense of curiosity. Why isn't the boy scared? Why isn't he running away? Why isn't he calling for his mother's help? The man approaches the boy, stopping a few feet away from him. His eyes are observing the small child warily, trying to understand what's going through the boy's mind.

The boy waddles closer to the man. He makes grabby-hands up at him, indicating that he wants to be picked up. For a moment, he's dumbfounded by the boy's behavior. Why is he asking to be picked up? Shouldn't he be scared? The fact that the child is showing no fear is both eerie and intriguing. For a few seconds, he hesitates, before he finally gives in and picks up the boy in his arms.

The boy giggles brightly when Kokushibo picks him up. If he didn't see Kokushibo's extra eyes, he should've seen them by now, yet he doesn't show any fear. He only takes some strands of Kokushibo's dark hair into his hands. Kokushibo watches as the boy takes a strand of his hair and giggles to himself. The sight is somewhat endearing, if he must admit. He doesn't pull his hair away from the small hands, silently letting the boy play with the strands. Despite his intimidating appearance and cold demeanor, he finds himself not wanting to discourage the boy's innocent actions.

A feeling of nostalgia washes over him again, making him reminisce about something from long ago. But he quickly shakes it off, refusing to let himself linger on the past. A few more moments pass without a word. But soon, he finally speaks up, the words leaving his mouth quietly.

"...Do you not fear me?"

The boy looks up at Kokushibo, tilting his head in curiosity and confusion.


The boy's innocent confusion only intensifies the pang of pity within him. How innocent and clueless this young child is... Not understanding the fear that others would feel upon meeting someone like him...

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