Chapter four: Stars

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The memory of his family being murdered is a hazy one for Tanjirou. He can barely remember anyhting else other than the fear. It's clear, Kokushibo can see that. He can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the boy in his arms. Tanjirou has been through so much grief and trauma at such a young age. He doesn't deserve what life threw at him. He glances down at Tanjirou, his expression softening as he looks at the boy's peaceful, sleeping face.

"...You've been through... so much, little one..." He murmurs softly. "...But you're safe now..."

Tanjirou let's out a sleepy huff and snuggles closer to Kokushibo. Kokushibo can't help but smile slightly at Tanjirou's behavior. It's a small, subtle show of trust and affection.

"That's right, little one... Rest... and be at ease."

He continues walking, the night air cool and crisp. The moon's light filters through the trees above, casting shadows that dance across their path. Kokushibo steals another glance down at Tanjirou, his expression softening once again. The boy looks so peaceful right now, his features relaxed and worry-free in sleep. It's a stark contrast to the horrors he's endured. Kokushibo walks on, his steps silent and careful so as to not disturb the sleeping child. The night is quiet, the only sounds being the soft hooting of an owl and his footsteps.

The early night slowly turns into midnight, and Tanjirou begins to stir from his sleep again. Kokushibo notices Tanjiro stirring and slows his pace, letting the boy wake up gradually.

"...Are you awake, little one...?" He asks in a soft, gentle voice, his eyes on the boy in his arms.

Tanjirou mumbles while half asleep, slowly waking up. He rubs his eye, yawning a bit, until he blinks his eyes open, fully awake. Kokushibo chuckles softly at Tanjirou's half-asleep mumbling, amused by the boy's adorableness. He sees the boy blinking his eyes open and gently adjusts his hold on him.

"...Good morning, little one... Did you sleep well...?" He asks, his voice soft and soothing.

"Mhm." Tanjirou nods with a smile.

Kokushibo smiles faintly at Tanjirou's answer. He's glad that the boy slept well, after everything he went through.

"Good." He says quietly. "...You needed the rest."

He continues to carry the boy in his arms, walking through the forest. The night is now deep and dark, the only light coming from the moon and the stars above. Tanjirou looks around the forest, before turning his attention to the sky. His bright smile remained as he stared up at the stars and the moon.

"Koku, look! It's full moon!"

Kokushibo glances up at the sky, following Tanjirou's gaze. He sees the full moon, its light bathing the forest in a silvery glow.

"...Indeed it is, little one..." Kokushibo says, a hint of a smile on his face. "...It's a... beautiful sight, isn't it...?"

Tanjirou nods with a bright smile. "Uhuh!"

Kokushibo lets out a soft chuckle, amused by Tanjirou's enthusiasm. He continues to walk, carrying the boy in his arms, as they look up at the full moon. Kokushibo can't help but feel a pang of protectiveness(again). Tanjirou is so innocent and full of life, despite everything he's endured. It's almost too easy to want to protect him from the horrors of the world. Tanjirou giggled, turning his attention from the sky to Kokushibo.

"My grandmother used to tell me that once a loved one dies, they become a star!"

Kokushibo listens to Tanjiro's words, his expression softening a bit. He's heard that belief before, and he has to admit that it's a beautiful thought.

"Is that so..?" He replies, his voice low and gentle. "...That's a... lovely idea, little one.... Do you believe it..?"

Tanjirou hummed in thought for a moment. "Well, why else would the stars be so bright then?"

Kokushibo couldn't help but smile a little at Tanjirou's childlike reasoning. It was a simple but heartwarming way of seeing the world. "...You've certainly... got a point, little one..." He pauses, looking up at the sky again, before continuing. "...It's comforting to think... that our loved ones become stars... watching over us from above... don't you think..?"

Tanjirou nods. "Mhm!" The boy then looks up at the sky again, his expression turning into a more thoughtful and somber one. "I wonder if my parents and siblings are up there, watching over me..." He mumbles.

Kokushibo's expression softens even more at the boy's words. He can feel the sadness and loss in Tanjirou's voice, and it tugs at his heart strings.

"They are, little one..." He says gently. "..They are watching over you... from amongst the stars..."

Tanjirou buries his face into Kokushibo's shoulder, and it takes some time for Kokushibo to realize that the boy is crying. Kokushibo notices the change in Tanjirou's breathing and the wetness of his shoulder, realizing that the boy is crying. He stops walking, holding Tanjirou closer and gently rubbing his back in a comforting gesture.

"...Shhh... it's alright, little one... Let it out."

After a while of crying Tanjirou lifts his head back up, sniffles a bit, and then mumbles. "I'm not alone though."

Then he looks at Kokushibo and gives him one of the most brightest smiles he has ever seen. "Because I've got you now!"

Kokushibo's eyes widen slightly at Tanjirou's words, a strange feeling stirring in his chest. The boy's smile, so bright and full of hope, tugs at his heart in a way he has not felt in centuries.

"And I will always be here for you, little one." He replies, his voice low and gentle. He reaches out to place a hand on the boy's head, ruffling his hair lightly.

Tanjirou giggles again when Kokushibo ruffles his hair. Kokushibo can't help but soften even more at Tanjirou's giggles. The sound of the boy's laughter in the peaceful night is like a soothing balm for his weary soul.

He continues walking through the forest, Tanjirou still in his arms. The full moon casts a silvery glow across their path, and everything feels almost too peaceful to be real. The boy continues to look up at the sky, his bright smile on back on his face, right where it should be.

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