Braided hair.

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Jodie's eyes fell heavy as she sat on the truck floor, her head still rested on her brother's shoulder.

Exhausted. Exhausted is the feeling she felt. And hungry. Dehydrated. If only she hadn't dropped her water on the street, then she'd be fine.

"I think we're stopping." Carter whispered into Jodie's ear.

"Already?" Jodie asked as she sat up. The drive didn't feel like it was long at all. Probably because she drifted off to sleep once.

The blaring alarm that Glenn had going on in his car came to a stop and the truck finally came to a halt. Jodie's stomach churned. She didn't know why and there probably wasn't even a reason why — but it always happened when she was either nervous, happy or scared.

First, Andrea rushed out, then Jacqui, and then T-Dog. Jodie sighed before stepping out herself, watching as Carter followed her. Carter was a nervous wreck, too. He wasn't the best at meeting new people, especially not a whole camp of them.

"Do we... go?" Jodie asked, peeking out at all the people. She watched as Andrea hugged her sister and watched as Morales hugged his family. It would be quite awkward to just walk in and know nobody. Though, Rick was in the same position as them.

"How'd y'all get out there, anyway?" A man holding a big gun asked the group.

"New guy. He got us out." Glenn responded. "Oh, and we brought back these two, as well." He said, pointing over at the siblings.

Jodie and Carter slowly approached the group, Jodie slightly behind him. She looked closely at all of her new surroundings and was amazed at how big the camp actually was. Though, when she noticed everyone staring at the two in complete confusion, the amazement went away and was replaced with awkwardness. At least some people gave them smiles.

"New guy?" The man with the gun asked in a mutter.

"Yeah. Crazy vato just got into town. Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello." Jodie furrowed her eyebrows, but then came to a realisation that they were talking about Rick.

"Guy's a cop, like you."

Carter led Jodie off to the side as they watched Rick walk forward with his hands on his hips. He was just as hesitant as they were, but then his fell suddenly fell. He looked surprised — like he recognised somebody.

Jodie looked back at the group as she saw how the man with the gun's face had fallen, too.

"Oh, my God," Rick whispered as he quickly walked towards a lady and a little boy. Jodie, again, was confused until the boy rushed towards Rick at top speed.

"Dad! Dad!" the boy exclaimed as he sped towards his father before being pulled into a tight embrace.

As he cried, Rick picked up the little boy and planted a kiss on his temple before rushing over to his wife, who looked utterly shocked. Shocked to see that her husband was actually alive all this time, and she hadn't known.

Jodie pursed her lips at the moment. She didn't want to seem selfish, but she wished that was Jodie, Carter, and her mom. It was hard to admit, but Jodie missed her mother. Since all Carter and she basically did was run, they hadn't had much time to think about it, but now was a good time to think. Carter, on the other hand, was thinking about it the whole time. He didn't want to bring it up though because he didn't want Jodie to feel more upset than she already was, so he just stayed silent about it.

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