my incompetency

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I just saw a guy with flowers for persumably his parter😭😭 I'm so lonelyyyyyyy I fucking hate being single😭😭

Also i spent 30 minutes on the wrong bus, completely wasting my time for no good reason🥲

Also I'm hot, like really really hot but I don't wanna take off my jacket bc I'm ✨️insecure✨️

I hate my life, not actually but I felt useless half the time today oof

I want a partner ... actually I don't bc I'm scared of commitment (them betraying me :D) but actually I feel like I would be such a good girlfriend🥲

Someone love me pleaseeeee ahhhhh

This sounds very pick me oof

Pick me choose me love me~ full on Mer style :D

But she has mcdreamy😭 istg if they break up one more time I'll crawl through the screen and murder her myself-

Jeez I can't do this🥲

Oh and there's another article from me in the paper today :D

Oh and there's another article from me in the paper today :D

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AHHHHH- idk why but AHHHH lol

Also I just realised I promised a vacation dump which i haven't even started as of now-

Also I need to finish the wrong number chapter *ahem, I haven't started*

Yea :) cool, that's my ramble lol. Alsoooo my parents and I are gonna order Chinese bc my celiac sister can't have any and is in Italy soooo, we're ordering :D

Anyways, how was your day? I hope better than mine and if not, I hope I could cheer you up a little <33

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