People Have Hobbies Too

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     The walk to school was surprisingly uneventful. No spells being thrown, no pegasi or griffon attacks. It's like the world is waiting with bated breath for me to make my decision. Well, I've already made it. It's not going to happen. I didn't ask for this gift. Now it has gotten me out of certain situations before, so it's not like I'm ungrateful. I would be a nice gift to anyone but a Nightstone.

"Still a daydreamer I see." Mia walks up and punches me in the shoulder.

I can't stand her.

"First of all, I wasn't daydreaming, nor did I ask for your company." I continue to walk, but start going slightly faster. "Leave me alone, Mia. I can't deal with your drama today."

"Ow," she says, "looks like you haven't been taught your manners yet. I'll admit that I'm not thrilled by having you with me either, I hate you really, but alas the Hunters have paired us together, so there is no escaping me."

The Hunters always found a way to meddle in my life since they learned that I had the gift. Mia is supposed to be my little guardian. Bold of the Hunters really, fairies are not strong so it's not usually their job to protect things of importance. But they told me that Mia Morningflower is not your average fairy, oh no, because nothing in my life can ever be normal. Mia is half elf, and she didn't get the height but the skills.

I look at Mia closely. Her disheveled blonde hair and green eyes are really the only elf features she's got. She's barely five feet tall, and with small pointed fairy ears and wears a black hoodie, but she's cut slits in the back so her translucent fairy wings can come out for if she were to need to fly. And she's wearing a green pleated mini skirt, probably to show that she can have style if she wanted to.

"Honestly I don't know why the Hunters want me." I look down at my feet while I talk. "There are some other people with the gift, but I don't see the Hunters doing anything for them. They need to butt out of my life."

"You know, maybe it's because you're an all powerful Nightstone," Mia says dramatically, "maybe you're their new hobby, their passion project."

"Mia. Go away."

"No can do ma'am," she says in her singsong voice that is really starting to grate on my nerves, "I am under strict orders from the commanding Hunter to stay by your side whenever you leave the house! It makes annoying you so much easier, don't you think?"

I mumble a few curses under my breath. What do I even need to be protected from?

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