Keep an Eye on the Window

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Today was surprisingly uneventful. Nothing happened at school, it's the last day so what did I expect really. No one dared to approach me with Mia around. She has a reputation of having a sharp tongue and hurtful words. It didn't help that the day was long and boring, and my few friends kept their distance.

As soon as I entered the house Mia fluttered away, literally. She actually used her wings and fluttered away, mocking me as she did. When I say that she has some nerve, she has some nerve. The extent of my dislike for her knows no bounds. This is like the Hunters way of mocking me.

The first thing I do when I enter my room is close the curtains. It blocks out the daylight, making my room dark. I keep my curtains closed after having an incident with Mia. She was hovering outside my window watching me like a stalker. So ever since then, I sacrificed daylight for privacy.

I go over to the desk in the corner of my room and turn on the desk lamp to do some reading. It's an older book about dragons. There are no dragons anymore, and it's quite sad. We don't know what happened to them, or where they went, but some believe that they're still around, disguised as something different.

Apparently the gift comes from dragon ancestry, and that's why it's so rare, but I believe that to just be a myth. The "some people" I mentioned earlier with the gift are more like one person, and they're dying in the hospital right now. And logic tells me that a dead person is of no use to the hunters. A person is born with the gift every two hundred years. Yes. Two hundred. The person in the hospital is over two hundred years old. That's a half elf for you.

I'm expected to live 400 years, having already matured at the age of 15. The Nightstones are the only Shadar-kai left in this world. We might not be of pure blooded Shadar-kai ancestry, but we are the last ones that even have the ancestry. At some point we got mixed with Elf and Eladrin (which is a shock, because Eladrin have low fertility and usually keep it to their own species), and occasionally one of the Nightstones is born with some of those traits.

Like me. I look in the handheld mirror that I keep in the drawer of my desk and look at myself. My pale white skin has splotches of dull reddish orange, and my long wavy white hair has a streak of black in the front. My left eye is red, and my right eye is ice blue. The only thing that all species have in common are the long pointed ears.

I sigh and put the mirror away, finding my appearance, which others find attractive, very ugly. It was then that I saw that the sun had set.

Then my window shattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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