next day

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Stans pov
"YOU SAW HUH?! " I yell. "I SAW KYLE!!!" He says again. "YOUR LYING" I say again. "Then why would I have this? " Kenny's asks pulling out a walkie talkie. "You couldve found it" I respond. "Fine I'll prove it" he grabs the talkie and asks "kyle? You there? " after like 10 minutes he responds "yeah my bad ken. Fatass was bothering craig, pip, Damien,and me" Kenny then asks "where's Karen? " . "She's playing with Ike, Tricia and frickle"

I process everything then I get so happy "KYLE! " I yell. "Told you dumbass" Kenny says "STAN HIII" kyle responds happily. MY BEST FRIENDS ALIVE! "you love-birds done? " Kenny asks "WE AREN'T-" Kenny side eyes me. "Is tweek with you guys? " craig asks. "He's with wendy rn but I'll go get him? " Kenny responds. "please.i need to talk to my honey" craig says as Kenny and me go to tweek. "Tweek can you come with us? " Kenny asks and tweek just nods and follows us. "Okay so last night I spoke to kyle, got this walkie talkie and Craig's with him too so wanna say hi? " Kenny explains "Y-agh yeah" tweek says.

"Craig? " tweek says talking the walkie talkie. "Honey! Heyy" craig responds not even a second later. We notice tweek calm down at Craig's voice. "Hi c-craig! " tweek says happily. They talk for like 20 minutes then wendy calls us over. "Yeah wendy what's up?"  I ask her. "Well me and Tolkien decided that all of us just go out for hints that anyone's alive." Me, tweek and Kenny exchange looks. "What's with the looks? " Tolkien asks, bebe, wendy and clyde turn to us

"We may or may not know some people are alive? " I say looking down. "WHAT?! " bebe yells. "WHO? " clyde asks. "Kyle, craig, pip, Damien, cartman, Karen, Ike, frickle and Tricia.. " Kenny answers. "HOW? " Wendy asks as Kenny pulls out his walkie talkie

Kyles pov
I heard stan!! I know it's not much but living in a world with zombies and getting seperated from your best friends? Hearing them and knowing they're alive is enough. "HAHAHA GAYS" cartman yells. I turn to them and see craig watching as pip and Damien are getting bullied by fatass. "Huh? " I ask. "he's making fun of them because Damien got sooooo flustered when pip grabbed his hand" craig says. "Again? " I ask as craig just nods. "Be quiet fatty because I will hurt you" Damien says, clearly still flustered. "Just fuck each other at this point" Ike yells. "IKE? " I say as he just smirks.

20 minutes later and me and cartman are arguing again. Why? I don't know. "STUPID JOO I'M NOT FAT" cartman yells. "Fatass don't lie to yourself. It's not healthy" I say. Cartman rolls his eyes "hopefully your eyes get stuck or u at least find a braincell" I mumble. "PFT" pip snickers "... HEY" he yells getting closer to me. I punch him.

Heidi's pov
Ow.... My head..... I look at Thomas and I notice he's passed out on the ground.. He's bleeding. I look around the room and see the guys missing. We're alone? And not tied up.. How long has it been since I saw the others...? Holy shit. I'm in pain.. "H-heidi? " Thomas asks. "Yeah..? " I ask. "Are we alone" he asks. "Yeah" I respond "why? Can u see" I ask after a bit. "My eyes. Hurt.. " he answers "shit your bleeding again" I say rushing to him. I take off my sweater and I tie it around him. This should stop the bleeding "oh heidi~~~~ thomas~~" someone says. "Shit pretend to be asleep" I whipser to Thomas who nods, we lay down and pretend to sleep. "Awh fuck they're asleep" he says. He sits in a chair and just watches us..?

Red pov
Where the fuck is she?! I'm getting mad. I can't find her. "UGH" I yell. "Red are u okay? " butters yells. "WHAT DO U THINK?! " I Yell at him. "O-oh sorry." He walks out and a couple minutes later Jimmy and brimmy walk in the room. "R-r-red c-calm d-d-down" Jimmy says. "I'm calm. I'm sooo calm." I respond dryly. Brimmy shockly walks up to me and hugs me. I could tell he's broken from losing the love of his life. He was holding back tears. "Red please chill. I know what your feeling. You made butters upset. You being pissed is effecting the people around you. Calm down please.. " he says . I freeze and tear up. "im sorry" I mumble.


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