Date Part 1

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Setsuna sat at the reserved table, waiting for Kumo Tenka and hoping that this all turned out to be worth Michiru and Haruka giving up their weekly date night. Due to the high-brow nature of the place she was dressed up in sleeveless, black dress and matching patent heels. Her dark green hair was up in a sleek ponytail to maintain the pretense that she was prettying herself up. Despite the fact that she was ostensibly there on a date she wasn't trying all that hard because she already knew that Tenka would have no interest in her romantically. She just wasn't his type. Oh, he would reach out to her if he caught so much as a hint of the saddness she carried around with her, but that was just his nature. She was going to have to be careful not to let it show and focus on the happy and peaceful last couple of years.
To her relief Tenka finally arrived. When he did his black hair was in a bun that (should have looked effeminate, but somehow didn't) with his long bangs swept to one side. He had clear, smiling, obsidian eyes that tipped up at the corners and a broad mouth that seemed to be perpetually on the verge of smiling if he wasn't already smiling. But Setsuna barely registered any of this as she tried to reconcile her memories of the man with his current appearance.
Kumo Tenka he was in a wheelchair and had a scar discoloring the upper third of the left side of his face that traveled down the side of his neck, disapearing under his shirt. It was a startling sight to see his handsome, cheerful face not so much disfigured, as marked. The scarring didn't distort his features as one would expect, it was smooth and oddly supple. Evenso, there was no mistaking it for anything other than a scar.
Setsuna mentally kicked herself. She couldn't believe that she had actually forgotten about the Orochi Incident. She had watched him and the other reincarnated members of the various royal families from the Gates of Time and Space as much as she had watched her fellow Sailor Guardians. And yet she had somehow managed to forget that one of the most powerful people in the Silver Millennium had become wheelchair-bound. Not that it slowed him down, or hampered him in the least.
Still, seeing him like that felt surreal... And, Setsuna supposed, therin laid the reason that she had forgotten. When she thought of this man she always saw him in the Burgundy and gold of his House, standing tall and smiling. Somehow he still seemed to her like a man who could inspire and lead the masses.
She made herself stop gawking as Tenka wheeled himself - without motorized help, despite being paralyzed down the left side of his body - up to the table and with a cheerful grin and an introduction.

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