Family dinner

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Characters: Clary x Jace, Magnus x Alec.

Description: A family dinner may not end well, with the participation of former spouses. During dinner, unexpected news comes to light.

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In Magnus Bane's apartment, preparations were underway for Christmas dinner for the family of his fiancé, Alec Lightwood. Magnus was stressed because Alec's mother and his ex-wife were supposed to show up. Both women hated and despised the wizard and liked to show it.

He knew that Alec's ex-wife Clary had the right to hate him for what he did to her. Magnus felt guilty about this, because Clary was a nice and loved girl who didn't deserve to be hurt.

Maryse took Clary side and for some time did not speak to her son, who had disgraced the family name by choosing Magnus, an (underground) and cheating on his wife. Maryse didn't understand why her son cheated on Clary, whom he had been married to for 3 years.

After all, the girl was the perfect wife for him. She loved him very much, supported him and wanted to have a child with him quickly, but Maryse knew that Alec was in no rush to become a father. The woman liked Clary very much and treated her like a daughter.

Clary herself was devastated when she found out that Alec had been cheating on her with Magnus Bane. The girl immediately packed all his things into a suitcase and threw him out of their shared bedroom.


- How could you betrays me with a Downworlder and humiliate me in front of the night hunters! - Clary shouted to Alec, who came into the bedroom to explain himself to her. - I want a divorce

- I can explain it - Alec said calmly, and Clary go to the closet and take out his suitcase. She immediately started throwing his things into the suitcase. He knew he was bad to cheat on her with Magnus and that when she found out about it, she would be furious.

- I do not want to listen to that. I was always there for you and put up with rumors about your orientation, and it turns out you were having an affair - Clary said annoyed and zipped up her suitcase. - If it weren't for Raj, I wouldn't have known about your betrayal - Clary said after a while.

- Raj is in love with you and he will do anything to get rid of me so he can be with you - Alec said.

- Maybe that's true, but you're the one who's fucking that wizard and you might with him it well move - She said after a while and threw the suitcase at his feet. - Now I don't want you here, so get out of the bedroom. It would be best if I took over the management of the Institute

- This is my bedroom and the Institute too - Alec said.

- You could have thought about it earlier. I'm sure the Clave won't want you to continue to be head of the Institute when you're intimate with a Downworlder - The red-haired girl noted. - Please come out - Clary said and when she opened the door, and she saw Raj.

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