Chapter 1

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Alchemists Notebook
Page 437
6th November 1287

I have served the people of this land just like my father did before me I healed the sick and poisoned kings just like they asked me to just the way my father did before me and so mother before him but the fools turned aganst me in their "righteous" devotion to their dead god they wanted to burn me alongside all the other trouble makers
they called me a "Witch" I have seen the world there isn't such a thing like witches or magic only those who have knowledge and those who don't and they surely don't have it I can see that but I will not blame them the church did brainwash them long ago I would lie if I sayed that I didn't expect it to happen eventually I just didn't really ever managed to fully believe that they could fall this far but this is fine now where I don't have to focus on helping people anymore I can do what I was always meant to do which is work on my alchemy and reach immortality
who needs those foolish animals anyway once I am immortal I will have all the time in the world for my experiments then I wouldn't have to look for a husband among these fools so that I would have a heir of my own
but where would be the point in that if I could live forever and even if that doesn't work then I can just create one on my own they think their God was great for creating living things buy I can do that aswell and yet I don't ask for worship that makes you wonder doesn't it?

Julius Kazhan Where stories live. Discover now