Chapter 7

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The Witch, Alchemist, and Dog would keep walking for a bit until they came to stop at a big tree and Julius pulled a yellow glowing potion out of his pocket

What is that for?

Julius Kazhan
Gypsophilia Extract with a bit of Fish Blood.....unrelated note who of you two is in a good physical shape?


Julius Kazhan
That's my boy then just hold still for a second ok

He would open the potion and pours it over his hand before rubbing it over his head once he was done he grabbed the witches cape to clean his hand

I appreciate the patting but what was that potion for?

Julius Kazhan
It is for the monsters

Oh! Is it some kind of Protection field to keep them at distance.....would explain the horrible smell

Julius Kazhan
No it's the other way around they will come here they like the smell

Oh really? So much that they stay relaxed?

Julius Kazhan
No who sayed anything about that they will smell it come here and then try to rip your head off and maybe eat you....depending on the species

What?! You never sayed that you would put me in danger?!

Julius Kazhan
You didn't ask....besides I don't plan on letting it kill you no you just bring it here and then start running in this direction just follow the moon and I handle the rest

W.....well if you say this will work then I trust you

If he dies you will explain it to his family what happend

Julius Kazhan
Yes of course I even use simple words so that I can be sure that they understand everything so that I won't have to repeat myself

They wait for a moment long until they would hear a loud howling as a bit hairy beast jumps out from the darkness starting to run towards Kira would also started to run wanting to get away from whatever this mutant was the beast just would run pass the Alchemist and Witch not paying any attention to them

What are you still standing here get going you had some plan didn't you?
I can't imagine that he will be able to outrun this thing for long

Julius Kazhan
Don't you worry I always keep my word just give it a minute or two longer the rest will solve itself

Meanwhile Kira was still running for his live the beast right behind him it was some kind of enormous squirrel with black fur and empty white eyes and long sharp teeth and claws he would run until his heart almost stopped as he saw the way stopping before him as he reached a point on the hill that was going straight down it was not a cliff or a mountain he was on but a fall from here realistic would proably still kill him either way but before he could make up his mind the beast would already have reached him running into him as they both fall down but to his Suprise he was not dead as he woke up under water quickly swimming back up to the surface crawling back out of the water exhausted with heavy wet clothes

Julius Kazhan
See told you this would work a 40% mortality rate is not half so bad after all is it now

Yeah yeah great but we need that thing alive not dead!

Julius Kazhan
Dead? Who sayed it is dead....Oh of course you though I was speaking of his mortality rate! Don't be silly I came across you 30 minutes ago I could not know how long he would keep up aganst this thing I was speaking of the likelihood that the fall would kill it

The beast came out if the water grunting and coughing having water in it's lungs but before it could go for a attack merry would grab her broken blade again knocking the beast out with a strong shock spell to the head

Julius Kazhan
Good work team I am sure the king will find some good immoral use for this deadly mammal

You should join us I am sure he got a nice reward for your help too

Julius Kazhan
Well I don't get out often so I guess it can't hurt if I pay him a visit

Good because we two won't carry this thing alone

Julius Kazhan
I don't think your companion got the strength for that at the moment anyway

He got a point

Well as long as I don't do everything alone at the very least

Julius Kazhan Where stories live. Discover now