Alfred Jones

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As I recollected myself I finally saw the vehicle. I sat down on the floor as I saw many more children my age sitting in silence. Why was it so quiet in here? The kids seemed scared, why though? Even if we weren't accepted, we'd be able to go live back with our other country hosts. Right? As the car continued to drive, the car was still in silence. Suddenly, we hit a bump. It caused one of the kids to to hit their tailbone and head hard, they looked like they were about to cry. Multiple other kids went for a hand gesture that said "shh." Why did we have to be quiet? The kid held back his tears as they tried to get over the pain and adrenaline.

Soon the truck stopped.

After a moment of silence the back opened, revealing a new person that wasn't a driver. They had a distinct jacket that was white and had an emblem on it. "EVERYONE OUT! EVERYONE LINE UP ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY LAST NAME! ANYONE THAT FAILS TO COMPLY WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED!" The man yelled, uncaring for the children's personal and sensitive feelings. Everyone scrambled into a straight line, that's when I noticed 7 other trucks. Seeing more children unload and being yelled at by people that had the same white jacket and emblem. The guard came back, listing the selected children's last names. Finally, he came to me. "Jones?" He said, with an expecting and impatient face. "Yes! I'm Jones!" I said with some kind of umph to it. The guard looked at me with a strange reaction as he nodded before moving to the other kids behind me. "Kalzenstein and Juman?" He said to the kids behind me, "Are you idiots? J comes before K you dumbass disgrace to humanity." Suddenly he grabbed the two kids and walked them away to a car that was red. Like the other cars but had a more negative inducing feeling. Soon we were walked into a building which when led inside was filled with many chairs and a large screen. We had assigned seats, we all immediately went to our seats. I noticed I was sitting next to a person named;

"Alfred Jones." 

Or that's what the paper on his chair said, the people with the white jackets told us to not even make a sound. Soon this so-called "Alfred Jones" sat next to me. Suddenly two people with the white jacket seemed surprised when they looked at us and immediately went up to me. "Marco?" The female said, I looked up. "Yes?" I said nervously, then the woman spoke up again. "There was a sudden switch in your assigned seating. Come with you, I need to take you." She said before I nodded. I stood up, I look back at the boy, Alfred was his name, right? I felt a strange connection to this boy. I waved to him before I left, holding onto the ladies' hand. Alfred didn't notice my simple gesture of goodbye, maybe it wouldn't matter anyways. I was taken to my new seat which I saw sat with a couple girls and boy. The woman left and soon the light's dimmed as the spotlight hit the area where the massive screen was. There revealed a woman with really long, brown hair. Her eyes sharp and all-knowing, but instead of the white jacket her's was black. She had a microphone in her hand as she spoke up.

"Hello, you lucky boy's and girl's. Welcome to the process." 

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