The White Jackets

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The woman seemed to be in high status. Especially with her jacket being black unlike the other people.

"Now, I assume you good little boys and girls are wondering. Why are you here? And the truth is, two upcoming plots of and are up for grabs. They are above one of the areas that the Spaniards rule. We have decided to divide up the land in this way." She points to the massive screen behind her, as the screen turns on. It reveals the two areas of land, one looking more defined than the other. "Now! Children! I need everyone to be quiet as were going to show a video that should explain everything to you."

The lights dimmed as the screen changed to the video, there was a woman on the screen. "Welcome, everyone. Congratulations on being chosen for the process! You special boys and girls will have a chance to become the personification of the one or two pieces of land!" She then pointed at the screen. "Do you have what it takes? And if you don't make it, you will be put in one of these two catagories. The SFL or TDOH! And do not worry, we only assume the best from you! You children will all be given a special medication if your chosen to become one of the countries or get selected into the SFL category! And what's the TDOH category you ask? You don't need to worry! During these 2 years of being with the process you will be going through tough training and other things. So be ready! Good luck!" 

The video ended suddenly, suddenly a kid raised their hand. "Yes?" The woman said at the front with the black jacket. "Uhm....will training be hard?" The child somewhere in the room asked, the woman's eye seemed to twitch at those words. She was hiding some kind of violent anger as she made a hang gesture to some other workers wearing white jackets. Her hand made a swoosh with two fingers quickly before looking at the child with a fake smile. "I'm sure you'll be just fine." With that, two workers with the white jackets went over to the source of sound. Everyone else was quiet. "Now! Children! Please stand up and make your way to the glowing red door in the left hand side of the room. SINGLE FILE LINE. okay?" Everyone's head turned to look at the glowing door, the kids stood up as they made a line. 

I noticed some kids in a bump in the line and they were taken away by the people in white jackets. Soon I entered the room where the line was split in two ways. The doorways were titled "North Plot" and "South Land." More kids were in the "South Land" line. I shrugged and went to the "North Plot" line. I didn't see a difference between the two. I was the 3rd in the line. And that was it, only three people in the line. The rest in the "South Land" line. I looked at the people in the line I was standing in. It was a boy and a girl. The boy had black hair with light eyes, he seemed taller. While the girl had brown hair tied into pigtails, she also had a darker complexion. Soon a man in the white jacket came over to the three of us. "Hm...only you three?" He turned to the other line. "DOES ANYONE WANT TO GO ON THIS LINE OVER HERE?! LAST CALL!" He yelled in an intimidating voice. 


Wow...that's kinda sad. The man sighed and looked at the other man working on the "North Land" line. "How many do you have over there?" "I've got 97 people." "Great. I have 3. My paycheck is going to be shit this time around." The South Land man groaned as he turned back to look at the three kids again. "Hmm... What's your names? Starting from the front to back." First the boy with black hair spoke up, "I'm Calix Freeman..." He seemed like a shy one. Then the girl spoke up, "I'm Ellie Vidot!" Finally it was my turn to speak, "I'm Marco Jones!" I said with a big smile. 

"Hm....interesting names. You seem like a nice bunch. I can deal with this." He said. Before speaking again. 

" said your last name was Jones?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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