Good morning!

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*Malcolm's Pov*

Who knew being a night owl would be so quiet and peaceful. The Athena cabin is filled with night owls so it's always noisy. But the car was quiet and so was the road outside. All I could hear was the soft snores of Connor who fell asleep on my shoulder. My book was in my backpack and if I move Connor will wake up.

Even Annabeth fell asleep on Percy's shoulder. I smiled at the cute moment my sister was having with her boyfriend. At first, I will admit I was weary of the guy, but when he defended me against an Ares camper, I grew to like him. He was perfect for my sister. I knew that for sure.

Connor mumbled in his sleep something about 'ice-cream is chasing me.' My boyfriend has a wild imagination. Thats what makes him so cute and adorable. People always ask me how you know which one is Connor. Well simple, I'm dating him, so I got to know. But also, I picked the one who is less crazy. A difference between the two brothers is that Travis has a mole on his forehead where Connor has one on his right cheek.

I looked around to see Nico curled up to Will with Will's arm around Nico. Leo's head was on Jason's shoulder with Jason's head buried into Leo's hair. Piper was leaning up against Leo. Katie who was next to me was laying on Travis. 

All of them were asleep aside from me. Why was I like this? I love sleep but my body won't let me sleep. Insomnia I guess. I really need to talk to Clovis.

It was pitch black outside. How did Jules-Albert drive in the dark? From what I could see is that we were almost there.

"What are you doing up?" Connor whispered in my ear. I flinched at the sudden noise. I shrugged. I didn't want to worry Connor. He lifted his head off my shoulder and stretched.

"Let me guess you can't sleep." He said. I nodded my head. He sighed and tapped his shoulder. I rolled my eyes, smiled and placed my head onto his shoulder. He played with my hair while my eyes became heavy and I drifted off to sleep.
As I woke up Connor's head was on mine. I blinked a few times and saw Annabeth and Piper awake.

"Morning Malcolm." Piper waved. I gave a small wave back and closed eyes again. Connor was so warm.

"You guys are adorable." Piper squealed. I nodded and opened my eyes. I shifted so Connor's head was on my shoulder. I fixed my glasses and kissed the top of my boyfriend's head.

"Like I said adorable." Piper sighed. Annabeth chuckled,

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Almost, in a about 30 minutes we'll be there." Annabeth explained drawing circles on Percy's palm.

Piper sighed and shook her head.

"Piper you'll get to see you girlfriend in 30 minutes." I reminded her.

"Duh I know that Malcolm but I have been surrounded by couples this whole trip." Piper complained. I rolled my eyes and Annabeth laughed. Connor stirred and opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" Connor took his head off my shoulder and rubbed his eyes.

"Like 8 in the morning." Annabeth responded. Connor groaned and buried his head into my hair.

"Morning guys." Will stretched which made Nico fall into him. Will chuckled and wrapped an arm around him.

"Morning Will." Piper smiled.

The car came to a slow and I looked out the window. We were here and the view was beautiful!

MALCONNOR!!! I live for that ship. Also Happy late 4th of July!

Have a great day/night sunflowers! Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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