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A small 6 year old girl wandered through the empty streets, crying. Her family had just kicked her out again because her older twin, Sakura, hated her and wanted her gone permanently this time. 

Her grandma, who couldn't do anything, said her goodbyes and gave her three scrolls with gifts sealed inside them. She was the one who took care of and named her when she was born. The girl's older twin saw how beautiful the younger twin was and was filled with jealousy.

Boys paid more attention to her than Sakura and she hated it.

So after years of abuse, they finally decided to get rid of her.

Now she was wandering around, tears flowing as she had no one.

She was heading to the red light district because every time she wasn't welcome in her own home, the ladies at the brothels would look after and take care of her. In their line of work, one would think they wouldn't care about a child, but it was the opposite. She basically lived their with how little she stayed with her family.

They became her big sisters. So she was on her way to them.

She turned a corner when she bumped into something and fell.

Looking up, she saw a tall, extremely pale man in a white kimono and black pants, with long black hair and gold eyes that looked like those of a snake. But they didn't look at her with anger. They were filled with concern.

He knelt down in front of her slowly as not to spook her

"Are you alright, little one?" he asked as he placed a gentle hand on her head

She nodded with tears still falling.

"What's your name?"

"M-My is Mitsuri" she mumbled

"It's nice to meet you Mitsuri. I'm Orochimaru"

The little girl stared in awe "You're one of the Sannin"

Orochimaru was surprised she knew who he was at such a young age. She looked no older than 5 or 6. And what the hell was she doing out here alone? Where was her family?

When he asked, he was disgusted by her answer. He couldn't believe her own family would abuse her for no reason. After learning it was the Haruno clan, he shook his head. That family was always arrogant and entitled. They weren't a shinobi family but a merchant family.

He was saddened to hear she basically lived in the red light district, but was happy the brothel woman looked after and kept her safe

It was only the old woman in the Haruno family that was kind to people.

He could only imagine the pain Mitsuri was feeling.

"Orochimaru" a voice called

A beautiful woman with blonde hair in pigtails and a rather large bust appeared. She saw the child and looked at him with a questioning look, to which he explained and boy was the woman pissed! 

Orochimaru smiled at the girl "This is Tsunade. My fiance"

Tsunade smiled gently "It's nice to meet you"

Her fiance reached out and took Mitsuri in his arms as he stood up. She was surprised when he gently passed her to Tsunade who cradled her into her chest. It was comforting and she snuggled closer, humming in content.

Tsunade smiled as she held the girl. Her maternal instincts were kicking in. She herself was unable to have children due to infertility. And this child had been abandoned by those that were supposed to love her.

She decided on what to do.

"Mitsuri?" she spoke softly

"Mmm?" the little girl looked at her with big green eyes

"How would you like it...if we adopted you?"

Her fiance was surprised as he was about to ask her about it. It seemed like they had the same idea.

"Adopt me?"

The snake sannin chuckled "Yes. We want you to be our daughter. Our family"

Mitsuri whimpered as tears began to well up once more. But these weren't tears of sadness.


These were tears of joy.

These powerful and kind people....

Wanted her as their daughter

"Will you allow us to be your parents?"

Unable to answer, she threw her arms around Tsunade's neck and hugged her tightly, sobbing. The couple smiled and embraced her. 

This beautiful girl must have been a sign that things will get better for them.

Tsunade had lost so much. Her brother. Ex boyfriend. Grandfather. 

Orochimaru had lost his family and had no friends. No one would approach him due to his strange appearance. No one loved him. 

But they had found love in each other and now....

They had a child who had suffered, but they would love her unconditionally 

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