Back to Konoha?

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(Time skip- 3 years)

A man adorned in a fancy kimono was seen walking through his estate. He had long white hair and pale pink eyes. The servant bowed as he passed by and he smiled kindly.

His name was Kaida Nakumo.

The Fire Daimyo.

He had replaced the previous daimyo when he was removed due to him retiring. He had been running the land of fire for 10 years. And he made sure things went as smoothly as they could. He was fair, equal and was never arrogant.

Currently he was on his way to check on his adopted niece. 

Her parents had come to stay with him and his wives years ago and had been trained and raised here ever since. The parents had sent a scroll stating they would be arriving later that day from their trip.

So he was on his way to tell her.

He arrived at her room and knocked.

No answer

"I'll check the kitchen then the gardens" he muttered to himself

He wandered to the kitchens and greeted everyone there

"My lord!" his head cook, Rohan, greeted cheerfully

"It's good to see you, Rohan. Is she here?"

"She was here an hour ago. She's with your wives in the garden"

"Thank you. Take some time off and make yourselves something"

He waved and left for the gardens.

It was beautiful and peaceful there. Lots of wildlife lived there and a few large ponds with lots of fish and of creatures, too.

 Lots of wildlife lived there and a few large ponds with lots of fish and of creatures, too

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