one shot

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[The scene opens in Stiles' room. He sits on his bed, staring at the wall with a mixture of anger and sadness. The door bursts open, and Scott enters, his expression grave.]

Scott: Stiles, we need to talk.

Stiles: (looking up sharply) About what, Scott? You finally realized you don't need the human in the pack?

Scott: It's not about that. It's about what happened with Donovan. You killed him, Stiles. In self-defense, yes, but...

Stiles: (cuts in angrily) But what, Scott? You can't handle it? You can't handle that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do to survive. He was going to kill me!

Scott: The pack... they're scared, Stiles. They think you're a liability now. They voted. I'm sorry, but you're out.

Stiles: (stares at Scott in disbelief) You're kicking me out? After everything? Fine. I don't need you guys anyway.

[Stiles storms out of his room, slamming the door behind him. The scene shifts to a month later. Stiles is packing a duffel bag in his room, surrounded by boxes. His father's badge sits on his desk, a constant reminder.]

Voiceover: (Stiles' thoughts) After Dad... I couldn't stay. Not here, not with them. They turned their backs on me when I needed them the most.

[Stiles zips up the bag and slings it over his shoulder. He takes one last look around his room before leaving the house. The next scene shows Stiles on the road, driving in his Jeep. He's determined, and focused.]

Voiceover: (Stiles' thoughts) Dean Winchester. Dad always said I took after him. Maybe now I'll find out why.

[Cut to a run-down motel in a small town. Stiles knocks on a door nervously. The door swings open to reveal Dean Winchester, grizzled and wary.]

Dean: (eyeing Stiles suspiciously) Can I help you?

Stiles: (steadily) Dean Winchester? I'm Stiles Stilinski. I think... I think you're my father.

[Dean's expression shifts from suspicion to shock. He steps back, gesturing for Stiles to come inside. Inside the room, Sam Winchester sits on a chair, reading a book. He looks up, surprised.]

Sam: Dean, who's this?

Dean: (gesturing to Stiles) Sam, this is... this is my son.

[Stiles hesitates, then blurts out the truth about Beacon Hills, about the pack, and about Donovan. The Winchesters listen intently, their faces reflecting a mix of empathy and understanding.]

Dean: (after a long pause) Kid, I know what it's like to be judged unfairly. We can help you. We know a thing or two about dealing with... unconventional situations.

Stiles: (nodding gratefully) I just need to figure out where to go from here.

Sam: (smiling faintly) Well, you've found us now. We're family. We'll figure it out together.

[The scene fades out as Stiles finally feels a sense of belonging, albeit with a new and unexpected family by his side.]

[Dean Winchester's motel room remains dimly lit, the air heavy with tension and the weight of unspoken words. Stiles sits on the edge of the bed, nervously fidgeting with his hands. Dean paces back and forth, his mind clearly racing. Sam Winchester sits at the small table, his gaze thoughtful as he listens to the conversation.]

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