answer some questions

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[Back at the rented cabin, the aftermath of the confrontation with Scott McCall's pack lingers. Dean, Sam, Stiles, and Sheriff Jody Mills sit around the table, debriefing and discussing their next steps.]

Stiles: (rubbing his temples) So, what now? We just hand them over to the authorities?

Sheriff Jody: (nodding) Yes, but we need to be clear on the charges. We can't just say they were involved in supernatural activities.

Dean: (leaning back, thoughtful) We need something concrete, something that will stick in a court of law.

Sam: (flipping through his notes) Let's review what we have. Stiles, tell us again what happened that led to this.

Stiles: (sighing) Donovan attacked me. He was out of control, a threat to everyone. I killed him in self-defense. But Scott and the pack decided that was enough to kick me out, to treat me like an enemy.

Sheriff Jody: (frowning) Kicking you out of the pack isn't a crime in itself, but their actions afterward might be.

Dean: (nodding) Exactly. We need to look at how they handled the situation. Did they obstruct justice? Did they fail to report a death? Did they threaten you?

Stiles: (thinking) They didn't report Donovan's death to the authorities. They tried to cover it up. They didn't want any attention on the pack.

Sam: (leaning forward) That's it. Obstruction of justice. By not reporting the death and trying to handle it internally, they broke the law. And if they threatened you to keep quiet, that's another charge.

Dean: (grinning) Nice work, Sam. We've got them.

Sheriff Jody: (standing up) I'll make the call. We'll get the local authorities involved, and with the evidence we have, they won't be able to sweep this under the rug.

Stiles: (relieved) Finally. They'll have to face the consequences.

Dean: (clapping Stiles on the shoulder) You did good, kid. This is how we fight. Smart, calculated, and within the law.

Stiles: (smiling faintly) Thanks, Dean. Thanks, everyone.

[The scene shifts to the local police station, where Scott McCall and his key pack members are being processed. Sheriff Jody is coordinating with the local sheriff, presenting the evidence they've gathered.]

Local Sheriff: (looking over the documents) Obstruction of justice, failure to report a death, and making threats. This is serious. They'll have to answer for these charges.

Sheriff Jody: (nodding) They thought they could handle it themselves, but no one is above the law.

Scott: (handcuffed, looking defeated) I thought I was protecting the pack. I never meant for it to go this far.

Stiles: (standing by, watching) Sometimes, doing the right thing means facing the consequences of your actions, Scott.

[Scott nods, a look of regret on his face as he is led away. Stiles, Dean, Sam, and Sheriff Jody stand together, knowing they've achieved a significant victory.]

Dean: (smirking) Looks like justice has been served.

Sam: (nodding) And we did it the right way.

Stiles: (feeling a sense of closure) Thanks for helping me see this through. I couldn't have done it without you all.

Sheriff Jody: (smiling warmly) That's what family is for, Stiles. We've got your back.

[The scene fades out as they leave the police station, unified and ready to face whatever comes next, their bond stronger than ever.]

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