|| EPILOGUE 2.2 ||⚠️

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⚠️Chapter contains abuse, violence, exploitation.

very straightforwardly if you are not comfortable please leave. Understand I have no ill intention to defame our beloved actor Mr.Wang Yibo in any mean. It is a story where I have used his name as it is a fanfiction.

I am sure you have read multiple toxic stories but this is different. I wish here none of you have suffered this but it is true for many. Not only for homos*xual people but even straight people willing to marry or fell in love with different gender or cast.

So yes....if you are uncomfortable please don't proceed....

Author's POV:




[A small glimpse of the conversation between Yibo and his parents when they got the news and came to meet Yibo at his university]

Dad: There is nothing such things existed. If you are a man then you will be attracted to women not men. It is the law of nature. Yibo, I am warning you don't do reckless thing just out of excitement. It will bring bad omen to our family.

Mom: A-Bo, Dad is right. Being gay is unnatural. You're just confused, you need help.

Yibo: No, I'm not confused. I've known this about myself for a while now. It's not something I can change or need help with.(Yibo didn't raise his voice but he really wanted to open up)

Dad: Unacceptable. You're sick, John. We need to fix this.

Yibo: I'm not sick. I'm still the same person I've always been. This doesn't change anything about who I am as a person or as your son.

Mom: It changes everything! How could you do this to us? If anyone come to know this. It would bring shame to our family.

Yibo: I'm not doing anything to you. I'm just being honest about who I am.

Mom: You haven't told this anyone else right except your best friend???

Yibo: No.....(shaking his head softly)

Mom: Good!!! We must be careful no one should know about this.

Yibo: But...I can't live a lie for my whole life. I need to be true to myself and wish my family will under-------

Mom: Oh my God!!! What bad I did to you? Where my prayers fails...why this disgrace...I can not live...I will die...my son, my son...what happen to him...why he.....I should have died before hearing all this----

Yibo: Mom!!!! please don't say like that.

Dad: Enough!!!! It all because of this city life. You are coming back with us.

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