|| EPILOGUE 2.19 ||

366 55 16

 ⚠️Before you start, I have something to say......I have no idea how i have written this chapter...it took me 2 weeks to pen down this chapter. I wanted to make it special and reflect their love but I am in doubt whether I am successful or not. 

I literally rewrote 7-8 times, tearing almost half of my notepad, it is frustrating!!!!

And as because of these chapter I can not even publish the later on, neither the other story so finally today I concluded it somehow and posted, sorry for this late. 

So please read with patience and guide me if I am lacking somewhere, I really don't want to lose the spark, the story has. Also this chapter has slightly mature content 🔞


Author's POV:




Yibo's chest was falling up and down in rapid way as Zhan was kissing him like a mad. Zhan left all his rationality and let himself drive by his desire. It was the first time he initiated a kiss, first time he took the lead, first time he expressed his possessiveness openly.

The kiss was passionate with a growing urgency, a hunger that built with each passing second. Their breaths mingled, warm and quick, as the kiss intensified, lips pressing together more firmly, almost possessively.

Zhan bit Yibo's lower lip, making him arc, as Yibo opened his mouth for Zhan, their tongue danced in rhythm. Zhan's hands started roaming all over Yibo's body as Yibo snaked his hands around Zhan's shoulder tightly, pulling him closer. Some of his memories were flashing but he was determined not to spoil this moment. Against all the odds he wanted this.....he wanted Zhan.

Soon Yibo lost the battle of dominance as Zhan's tongue started tasting his mouth. The sloppy sound of smouches, those shaky breaths and the rustling of the bedsheets were the only sound ringing in the silence room. With a hard suck finally when Zhan parted, Yibo was already breathless and looked alluring than ever with swollen red lips.

Zhan didn't lift his weight and leaned down and sink his teeth on Yibo's neck, making Yibo moan and cry simultaneously. Yibo felt pain, but he didn't ask him to stop. He was ready to take pain if that makes him close to Zhan, if Zhan wanted him that way.

"Yibo~~~"..............Yibo heard Zhan's voice just beside his ear............."Do you really love me?"..........panic surged inside Yibo when he heard Zhan, was he now going to lose Zhan? He tried to move but Zhan pinned him down. He raised a little then meet Yibo's gaze.

"Do you really love me or I am just a reason for you to lead your life?"................Zhan's eyes glistened and had raw emotions, he harshly wiped his nose and eyes together then stared at Yibo again who was looking at him as if completely blank.

"Yibo, I love you, love you at a point that I can be anything for you. If you don't love me, tell me, I will just stay by your side till you want, but please, please don't give me love in charity. I don't want anything that make you feel obliged. Just for the sake of your gratification.

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