|| EPILOGUE 2.4||

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Author's POV:




Mr. Zilong stopped Zhan just as they were about to come out of the car.

"Mr. Xiao, Sorry if my words offend you but it's best if you watch from distance first. As I mentioned there is more to know and accept before you show up. Only if you feel you can handle it, not just for few seconds or days but in real your love can handle the truth for rest of your life, I suggest you to come forward "...................Zhilong said with utmost carefully, not to offend Zhan also to express his concern

Despite his usually arrogant nature, Zhan quietly agreed with Zilong. His longing to see Yibo, the person he had cherished for the last 12 years, overpowered any impatience or defiance.

They entered inside the shelter home which you can call an average one, worn out walls but still clean to some extent. The people were delighted to see the great businessman with Zilong. They thought it was a visit for inspection for donation. So they started greeting and ushered Zhan towards the office. Zhan was clear absent-minded, his eyes were only searching for the person whom his heart was yearning. Zhilong couldn't handle well so obviously Zhan's guards intervened while Xuan, Zhan's PA went with the manager of the shelter to discuss the matter.

Zhilong and Zhan was crossing room after room, floor after floor and more the time was taken more Zhan became impatient. Reaching every next room Zhan hoped to see Yibo and when Zhilong passed by Zhan's hope broke...it was like those days, those years when he thought Yibo would appear, when visiting every new or old place he wished to bump with Yibo............but it never happened. He was left empty handed.

Finally Zhilong stopped in front of a room, preciously the most far one and somehow this room was little away from the main building too. Zhilong gesture Zhan to stand outside while he entered inside the small, dimly lit room.

Zhan saw a window so he peered through but he turned around in a flash with a gasp. He covered his mouth to resist any sound that was about to coming out. He was in daze, did he see right? Was it him

Zhan stood still then slowly turned around to peep again.....his whole body was shivering. As Zhan peered into the room again, his eyes met a sight that would haunt him forever. A man on a wheelchair, his once radiant face now gaunt and pale, with sunken eyes that seemed to hold a thousand stories of pain and suffering. His dark hair was matted and unkempt, framing a face that was barely recognizable from the vibrant young man Zhan had fallen in love with.

His condition terrible, his former beauty a distant memory. He looked emaciated, a shell of the vibrant person Zhan once knew. His fragile body was a testament to the cruelty he had faced, his beauty and youth ravaged by the harsh realities of a world that had rejected him.

It was only his gaze, his eyes that still held a glimmer of the spark that had once drawn him in, a spark that had refused to be extinguished despite the darkness that had surrounded him. It was his eyes, though weary and worn, still held a deep longing, a yearning for love, acceptance, and belonging......it was unmistakably.........his Yibo.

Zhilong's voice broke Zhan's trance........"Yibo!!"........Zhilong called out

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