Thanks for Probably Impairing My Ability to Type for the Next Few Days.

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Troy: Hello, and welcome to Pokemon Truth or Dare! Let's see the dares!

Troy: Hello, and welcome to Pokemon Truth or Dare! Let's see the dares!

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OurGodLitten (Writer): Thanks for impairing my ability to type for the next few days

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OurGodLitten (Writer): Thanks for impairing my ability to type for the next few days. AAAAAAAA-
Troy: Bro who TF was that..
Switchy: You, in another universe.
*Fourth Wall breaks*
Troy: Sam, fix that-
*Humanoid pulls up with a gun*
Humanoid: Wassup y'all. This episode is sponsored by Dr. Hopeless Romantic's Uranium Gasoline. Thanks to them for funding this episode!
Troy: Let's start now, I guess-
*Kiera and T-Boi spawn in*
Kiera and T-Boi: Yo.
Troy: *sighs* Oh my Aeons... Welp, time to start! First Dare! Gary gets ran over by Thomas the Train!
Gary: Wait, wha-AAAAAAAAAAA *gets ran over*
Kiera: May...? Are you good?
*May isn't, as she's going rambunctious around the studio, in a sugar rush.*
Kiera: Ok...? Next, I'm turning Amour into babies-
Switchy: Not today, Kru. They'll be Pokemon for the next 10 chapters!
Kiera: *pouts* Fine..
Switchy: *builds stage* Let's have a joke telling show! And yes Troy, you have to write it.
OurGodLitten: *groans* Do I have to?
Switchy: Yes.
OurGodLitten: *mutters* Fuck you too.
Switchy: I'm up first! Why did the chicken cross the road?
Switchy: To get to the other side! Hah.... Anyone?
Iris: *slight cough*
Switchy: Dammit.. *Walks off stage, back to staff lounge*
4 painstakingly long hours later of jokes..
Troy: Ok. We're, FINALLY back to the actual series.
Fittle: Why did you make the PMD story, Troy?
Troy: Well-
Switchy: Basically, when Wattpad still had private messaging, I had given him the idea for it, and he followed through!
Fittle: Ok. :)
Switchy: Troy! Why did you stop making Pokemon Truth or Dare 2?
Troy: Personal choice. That last chapter - "The Holy Judgement" felt a little out of place and kinda controversial.. So, I didn't continue on with that book, and rebooted it into this one.
*Iris places a bug on Misty*
Misty: IRIS YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! *squashes her with her mallet*
Switchy: Troy, tell us wherever the hell we're at!
Troy: A studio, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
Switchy: Lower East Side? What the FU-
Troy: It's a NYC thing.
Switchy: Oh.
*Ash gets squashed by Herta's hammer*
Troy: Next, Brock meets whoever the hell Sanji is!
Sanji: Hi.
Brock: Hi.
Troy: *shrugs* Next-
*Switchy puts on a One Piece straw hat* Switchy: THE ONE PEACE IS REEEEAAALLLL!!!!
Troy: No it isn't, cuz I don't watch it.
OurGodLitten: Gotta agree.
Switchy: Fuck you both.
*Chloe catches a Slugma, and it grows attached to her*
*Switchy and Fittle get into a fight*
Switchy: Vermillion rules.
Fittle: No, Firstfriend does!
Switchy: Try me. *Transforms into his human form, and then into his super form*
Fittle: Try ME. *Turns into fuckin' Celebi with overpowered stats*
*They start fighting, making a huge mess in the Studio, scaring the Cast back into their rooms and exhausting each other out*
Switchy: Your... Good... But because of that, I'm not going to go easy on you!
Fittle: Me, NETI-
Troy: Both of you STOP! Look what y'all have done to the Studio!
*Studio is covered in soot, Ash and is pretty broken*
Switchy and Fittle: D-Damm.
*They stop fighting*
It takes 3 days to fix the Studio, but their back on air.
Troy: Now I see why the City is trying to take my lease away.. Welp, time to continue!
*Clemont makes a machine, and it blows up, as usual.*
Troy: Bonnie and Max have a playdate!
*They do, and Bonnie is so exhausted she goes to sleep immediately, a saving grace*
*May eats a chili pepper while Dawn plays Ping Pong*
*Vermilion shipping passionately kiss, making Fittle go insane*
Fittle: T-The V ship can never be canon!
Switchy and Troy: Yeah, it can.

Fittle: *blows up due to the insanity*

Humanoid: Can we stop having a death toll? Not even 10 episodes in and we already have 4+ deaths! And I got to bring them to the Revival Chambers.
Troy: Idk bro..
*Gary flirts with all the girls, and gets slapped in the face, and even getting a bloody jawline from March*
Troy: Damm.
*Liko turns into a Sprigatito*
Liko: Sprig? SPRIG!?
Roy: Awww.. *Puts Liko on his shoulder*
Liko: *blushes and pouts* Sprig Sprig Sprig..
Troy: Horizon Shipping over Grummin!
Fittle: *revived and pissed* NOPE! GRUMMIN IS BETTER!
Switchy: Amour over Pearl!
Kiera: Excuse me!? Pearl is the obvious winner!
Iris: No, it's Bestwishes Shipping!
(A/N: Bestwishes is Iris X Cilan)
*Chaos ensues*
Then, before Troy could say the outro, Him, March, Amour, Switchy and Horizons become Pokemon.
Kiera: Y'all are Pokemon for 10 chapters! Except Preservation and Switchy.
Troy: Hmph.. Well, that's it for today's chapter! Please don't give OurGodLitten so many dares, his hands hurt now. Remember to leave dares and truths! Bye!

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