Chaos Incarnate!

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Studio, 6:40 AM

Ash: Well.. Troy isn't up.. Nor are the co-hosts..
Serena: Wonder why
Iris: Don't they all sleep in a Lounge?
Clemont: Nah I think they basically have 5 star hotel Platinum Class rooms
Bonnie: Ya think!?
Clemont: Yeah.
Liko: What do y'all say we go check on them?
Everyone Else: Yeah! >:)

Troy's Platinum Class Room, 7:00 AM

Ash: *opens door slightly and see he is laying with March*
Serena: Damm. Didn't know they sleep together..
Clemont: Me neither..
Clemont: *covering Bonnie's mouth* Shhhh. They aren't doing unspeakable things..
May: Huh. Funny.
Ash: *gets out megaphone* WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!!
*Troy, March and the co-hosts are woken up*
Troy: WHAT!?
Ash: Heheh
Troy: *middle finger*
Co-Hosts: *middle finger*
Ash: I still win. Well, y'all got a show to do! Wake up!
Hosts: Alright, alright.

Troy: *ahem* Welcome, to Pokemon Truth or Dare!
Switchy: Where contestants (the Pokemon cast) have no rights!
Live Studio Audience: *cricket noise*
Troy: We don't even have a Live Studio Audience so why did OurGodLitten bother to type that!?
OurGodLitten: Because why not!? Now shush and do your job.
Troy: Fine. Anyways, let's see 'em dares!

 Anyways, let's see 'em dares!

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