1. Moving

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"Its already 5 pm Sarah you said you will here by 4 I am really tired now please come fast or I will just check the results myself " I tried my best to warn Sarah but she being the most nastiest human being on this planet Earth just started laughing over the call now I am really losing my cool. Just before I could yell at her for being this careless she entered my bedroom with our favourite chocolate pastries ( just bestfriend things ) " oh god this blessing of God has saved you today otherwise I was ready with a one hour speech or lecture ". She just shrugged her shoulders and said " whatever" this girl can for real change my mood in seconds , and when I just started eating this best creation of human beings obviously the pastries when she dropped the atom bomb
" Did you got know that shruti is also joining the same uni (after having a look at Trisha) ohh Trisha you know your face really shows what is running in your small brain and now I can see umm let me guess it's anger mixed with a little bit of disgust " that sentence was enough for me to know that college life is not going to be all fun actually I knew this already but I just need something to make sure that my intuitions are true .I felt a hand on my shoulder and I realised I zoned out again Sarah said "actually don't worry that much because I know that she hasn't chose the same course atleast" . I chuckled and said
"Literally Sarah I am hoping for nothing more bad to happen " fingers crossed*


I said "So let's just do what we are here for let's start packing stuff " . And then after the straight two hours of packing we were already with mine and Sarah's
Luggage. Moving to a whole new city just a few days before college starts is a huge pain in the ass to be true, just packing the stuff was enough for me to realise that it's not going to be easy ...

Author's note

Hope you liked the first meet (fictional meet) with our mfl
And you will soon know why this besties duo hate shruti this much

Just wait a few chapters

Till then vote and enjoy reading 🎀

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