3. Decisions

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So this is ahaan's first pov hope you will like our mml


"Mom I know what I am doing you really don't have to worry this much about me I am not a kid anymore" I said to mom and as usual she said the most expected thing " Ahaan you will always remain a kid for me, and after your drop year do you really want to pursue this computer thing why not you focus on your previous goal, if you want to take more time for preparation you can have more time , you know me and your papa are always there for you and if you want we can even send u abroad, but just think wisely beta which career is more suitable for you this computer one or being a doctor. " Again all this is happening again after an year , actually somewhere in my mind I knew this will happen my parents always wanted me to be doctor and for their happiness I tried too but due to my obsession for coding I always felt I am not made for being a doctor, papa finally understood and told me to achieve my dreams but my mother being a doctor herself she wants me to be a doctor too. I came out of my train of thoughts when I listened to her shouting my name through the other end of the phone . I sighed and said " mom I have really made this decision and I will make sure to make you happy so don't worry that much" . She remained silent for a moment and then said " I know beta you are capable of alot and I just want you to be happy, if have made this decision so best of luck my champ" . After listening to her words a smile came to my face immediately and I replied" thank you for understanding me mom ( I realised that I haven't bought necessary things till now ) so mom I will call you later.

I finally took a breath of relief and asked myself if my decision is even worth it or not , I know there are a lot of expectations from me, from my childhood till now everyone wants me to be just perfect whether it's sports, academic, or singing but to keep up with all this expectations is not that easy specially while hiding that you are the prince of jodhpur. All this is really super exhausting and the idiot with whom I could talk about this stuff is out on a date. Actually I am happy for him he has been into a long distance relationship since 4 years and he finally got some time with her.

I just shrugged all this thoughts from my brain and went straight to the market, the weather is pleasant today which is enough to calm my nerves. I just bought the stuff which I needed I was just coming out of a store when I bumped into someone , she was really so pretty I was this much captivated by her beauty that I didn't even apologized to her, when I realised I was staring her I was full with embarassment so just to not show my state I walked away but I couldn't stop myself from once again looking at her..

While on my way home I realised I behaved like an asshole with her. With the guilt I reached my apartment, a small cozy 1 bhk after being raised in a huge palace this place gives me a sense of calmness. I really want to make an identity of myself, I want people to know me for what I am , I don't want them to say that I am just the prince I want them to know me for my own work.. I hope I can do this one day.

Author's note

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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