🌘 ~ ⑥

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"You're about to want to kiss me on the mouth"

"Why..." Suguru looks up from the book he's holding, seeing as Satoru struggles his way in the narrow door hallway with a big white and blue box.

It couldn't be.

"I got us a mini air conditioner!"

Suguru sits still on his desk with a confused look on his face. "Where'd you get that?"

"Thank you Satoru for going out of your way and spending your own hard-earned money to make this living hell of a dorm room a little bit more habitable." Satoru said, rolling his eyes and setting the heavy box down with a clash. He opens the mini freezer and pops an entire ice cube in his mouth. Suguru is surprised, but doesn't address it. "Let's plug this bad boy in."

Suguru hops off his bed, very pleasantly surprised. He watches as Suguru slits the box open. He crossed his arms, smiling. "Dude, we're going to drain the power outlet of the building."

"So?" Satoru holds the scissors with his mouth, taking the first layer of protection cardboard out of the box.

Suguru cringes, gently taking the metal white weapon from the boy's lips. "Give me that, oh my god."

They settle the little box machine on a corner of the room after some simple assembling. Satoru plugs it into the wall and Suguru, who was conveniently sitting in front of it, is washed over with a strong blow of cold air.

Satoru sleeps comfortably in a shirt for the first time since they got there.


"Satoru." Suguru closes the front door with his hip, balancing two cups on one of those little cardboard trays. He sets it down on his desk and exhales, putting his hands on his hips and looking up to Satoru's bunk. What he had grown to know as the Zelda soundtrack leaked from the switch, but Satoru had his face completely buried in his pillow.

"Satoru." He calls again, grabbing one of his own pillows and whipping Satoru with it when he doesn't get an answer. Now, he hears an ack from him. "I got your coffee."

Satoru hugs his pillow, swinging a leg to bend over it, not minding the music from the game that soothed him to sleep hours before. "You didn't have to wake me up." He says, puffy.

"You're not the one who had to go to class on a Saturday. And, I got you coffee, so stop complaining." Suguru gently hits Satoru's forearm that sticks out of the matres.

Satoru huffs, but starts to move and stretch. Meanwhile, Suguru pulls his uniform shirt over his head, digging in his cabinets. He moves a few things around and then turns back to Satoru.

"Can I borrow one of your t-shirts? I was supposed to do laundry today."

Satoru's head perks up. "Yeah, over there. Second drawer" He points to direct Suguru. "Just don't take my Omnimon one."

Suguru nods, not entirely sure of what Satoru meant. He goes for a plain grey shirt, to be sure. 

They've been living together for some time now, so Suguru was getting used to Satoru's presence, but he'd never thought he'd feel it on him like that.

Satoru's scent was strong on his shirt. Suddently, Suguru felt strange to be wearing it, and even more to find himself breathing in deeper than usual.


"Hey, can you do me a favor?" Satoru stood up from the floor, tablet in hand.

"One sec." Suguru finishes typying before looking at him. "It depends, what do you want?"

"Can you pose for me?"


"Please? It'll be quick, I promise."

"Why, is that not working?" Suguru points to the full-length mirror set besides Satoru's workshop desk. From what he knows, Satoru spent hours looking at it, taking reference from himself for his assignments.

They do say that artists look like their art, in a way.

Satoru fixes something on his screen, he sighs, irritated. His fingers tap the edge of the tablet. "Sometimes it just doesn't." He shakes his hand next to his head. "The light, and— ugh, Suguru, please. This once."

"Fine." Suguru stands, cracking his back, he could use a quick break. "How do you need me?"

Satoru's eyes light up, he drags Suguru to his side of the room, which probably takes no more than four steps. He sets up his chair and asks him to sit, rearanging the pair of lamps.

"Okay." Satoru steps back, Suguru looks at him like he's lost. "Sit like this, with your leg up— yeah. Uh, okay now your arm, no, the other one. Like this." Satoru gets hand on with his explanation, moving ans shifting his model to his liking. "Relax your back, mh. There you go, relax, don't move."

When he doesn't stand back, Suguru asks. "What is it?"

"I'll give them back." Satoru slides Suguru's glasses off his face

Suguru chuckles. "I feel stupid."

"You look great." Satoru sits in front of the chair, photographing, and moving the small lights the distance of what looked like milimeters to Suguru. "Don't look at me, look up."


Satoru snaps a few more and sits straight to look through them. "I got it."

"You sure?" Suguru doesn''t dare but to move only his eyes towards Satoru.

"Yup, you're free."

Suguru relaxs to a regular sitting position again, reaching for his glasses. "Can I see them?"

Satoru bites his inner lip, looking down at the screen. "You can see the finished piece when I'm done with it."

Author's Note
this will not be the last we'll be seeing of suguru as satoru's model...

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