🌘 ~ ⑧

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Friday came along, one of Satoru's friends had invited him to a party at a club a few blocks down from the school. And he really, really didn't want to go by himself.

"I'd call her more of a classmate, to be honest. I don't know where the invite came from. We haven't talked a lot before."

"Maybe she likes you?" Suguru said indifferently.

Satoru leans on the bathroom's door frame, squeezing some toothpaste out on his toothbrush. "Maybe."

Suguru is sitting at his desk, using his phone as a mirror. He goes for an extra tight hairstyle for tonight. Bar clubs aren't exactly clean, and he knew he would rather die than wash his hair before going to bed when they came back.

"Thank you for going with me, by the way. We don't have to stay for too long. But I don't wanna be rude and not go, y'know?"

"It's alright. I'm in the mood for getting drunk."


The place is already packed when they get there. Satoru takes Suguru directly to the bar, where he puts in his credit card and asks for two shots. He hands one of them to Suguru.

"Cheers." He clicks the little cups and downs the drink, making a horrible face.

"Woah, slow down there." Suguru drinks half of his, patting Satoru on the shoulder when he coughs. "Didn't you say you can't take alcohol for shit?"

"I can't." Satoru squeezes his eyes. "But I'm gonna need it."

"Okay, Romeo. Just know that I won't carry you back if you pass out somewhere." Suguru drinks the remaining in his cup and puts it down on the bar with a clank.

"Ugh." Satoru wipes his mouth. "Yeah, whatever, 'same goes for you."

"Heard." Suguru smiles, following as he makes his way through the sea of the people at the club.

Satoru's head pokes out over the rest, he spots a group of people and tugs Suguru, pulling him out of the mass, trusting he wouldn't hear him over the blasting music.

Someone recognized Satoru from the group, waving. The small lounge at the edge of the bar was covered completely on a thin layer of smoke that changed colors with the ceiling reflectors.

Suguru had to do everything in his power not to start coughing uncontrollably. The smell of marijuana was intense, it stuck to the back of his throat. He wished he had grabbed another drink before leaving the bar to wash it down.

He saw Satoru blink hard, relieving the sting in his eyes.

So he's not used to it, either, Suguru thought, he's just better at hiding it.

"Satoru, baby! You made it!"

Oh, what the fuck.

A girl that was sitting on the back of one of the low couches jumped with joy, sprinting to the man's side, trapping him in a hug. Satoru put a hand on her back.

"Hey, Kyo..."

"Who's this?"

"He's my roommate..."

"Suguru." He introduced himself. The girl didn't say anything, instead she dismissed him with a hm, eyeing him for not longer than a second and then fixing her attention on Satoru again.

"I was so sad when you said you couldn't be here." The so-called Kyo hooks her fingers at Satoru's collar.

Suguru clenches his jaw. He didn't like her.

He lets out his breath when Satoru takes her hands and puts it back down at her side.

"Change of plans." He simply tells her, shrugging.


"Ugh, finally." Kyo sits up, practically crawling to Satoru.

The poor blonde watches as Suguru walks away towards the bar, he wasn't quick enough to come up with an excuse to follow him. He tightens his hold around his mostly filled glass.

"I thought he'd never leave." Kyo snickers, leaning on an arm that she puts behind Satoru, pressing her cheek on his shoulder.

The lounge was now mostly empty, everyone had gone off to the dance floor or to the bar. The few left were too entertained with their drugs or with each other to pay any attention to them. With the annoying roommate also out of their peripheral, Kyo couldn't let an opportunity like this slip...

"Is he going to keep clinging to you all night?" She throws one of her legs over Satoru's lap. Her free hand travels up his chest and neck, tracing the line of his jaw. "If he is, we can at least make it worth my time. What was his name again?"

Satoru tenses, he doesn't want to push her off and give her the wrong impression. He swallows.

"Uh, but who cares..." She comes closer, breathing out a laugh into his ear. "Look at you, you can do the job for two."

"Don't..." Satoru has to take her off him like a sticker, stumbling his way to his feet.

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you don't want it..." She hiccups. "What's the deal with him? I can give you so much more–"

"Kyo, you're drunk." Satoru interrupts, sitting her back on the couch. "You should get home."

He turns before he can get a response. He practically runs across the club, a shiver running up and down his spine. He frowns, still feeling her touch on his neck. "Fuck." He whispers, scratching the spot.

Luckily for him, Suguru isn't far, he never is when he needs him.

"Guru, let's leave."


"Kyo... She's trying to take me to bed with her– us, actually."

"What?" Suguru laughs. "Hey, man, I don't do that stuff, but I can clear the dorm for you if you want."

"Ah, no– no, it's fine."

"I can crash over with Haibara, it really isn't an issue."

"Suguru." Satoru puts a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yup. There's no way, she's too young for me. That's the downside of studying a second degree, no? I'm practically an old man around here." Satoru laughs it off, rubbing his jaw. "It's not the way I swing."

"With younger girls?" Suguru chuckles, he didn't look very convinced.

Satoru shrugs. "Girls, in general."


Author's Note:

this will be published on ao3 very soon! you can find me as oKuZ_o

please feel free to check out my other works on my profile!! and remember that the inbox for suggestion for this work is always open!!

thank you so much for reading!

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