Chapter 12

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The weeks were creeping by, and winter was approaching. The air had grown colder with the dropping temperatures, and reports called for heavy snow. I had been struggling to sleep more often since the nightmare about the masked man, and I had resorted to taking short naps during the day. Hale had been a constant presence, bringing my groceries and occasionally coming by for dinner. Though he had not stayed the night since my vivid chase through the woods. I wanted to trust him; he gave me no reason not to, but after what Ivy suggested, I couldn't help but wonder at times. I chalked those thoughts up to my paranoia. Hale was not some monster in the dark, breaking into my home to torment me. For what? It was a ridiculous notion, but I still felt uneasy at times due to not knowing.

After her constant nagging, I finally decided to see someone in hopes I could at least ease my nightmares. Dr. Langholdt set me on a weekly schedule and so far, I had been to see her a few times. Opening up has not been easy, but she has been patient. When I told her about the masked intruder, she suggested it may have all been manifested, symbolic to my own fears surrounding Gabriel, she hinted toward the masked man symbolizing my inner self—the part of me that wants me to fight through my fears. It sounded like a load of crap to me. Symbolic manifestations couldn't have left a note in my kitchen. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back after that. I hated talking about everything, and her attempts at reassuring me only made me feel crazier.

Skipping this week's appointment, I decided to set up a small office area in the turret room. I loved the light from the windows, and the vantage point gave me a sense of security. Cleaning out the bolts of fabric, and dragging the mannequin to a different room, I folded the sewing machine into the table, and set my laptop up. Writing and creating something had always been more therapeutic than talking had ever been anyway. So, I sat down to try, willing the words from my mind. It started out slow going, but by evening, I had a few pages, which was something.

Snow had begun to fall, big white flakes drifted down through the hazy sky as if someone above had ripped open a feather pillow. I closed my laptop and made my way downstairs to light a fire. My stack of firewood had been dwindling, only a few pieces were left on the porch. I sent Hale a text, hoping he could bring me some, and maybe a small part of me just wanted to see him. He texted back immediately saying he had plenty to spare, and he would be over shortly. It had been a few days since I saw him last, and I couldn't say I didn't miss his company.

I brewed a pot of coffee and waited for his arrival. After a few minutes, he was pulling in. Tugging on my boots, I walked to the porch to greet him as he began unloading wood and bringing it up. His smile was bright and warm when he saw me, sending my stomach fluttering. "You ready for all this snow?" he grinned as he set down the first bundle.

"Well, I am now. That's a lot," I said looking past him to the overwhelming amount in the back of his truck.

"Trust me, you'll go through it quick when winter comes in full," he stated as he turned back for more.

"Are you sure though? I don't want to take all of yours," I replied tucking my hands under my arms to warm my already chilled fingers.

Hale heaved a hefty stack to the porch as he said, "I have more than enough, I promise."

"I made some coffee if you want to come in and warm up," I suggested as he carried the last of the wood to the porch.

"You're amazing. Coffee sounds perfect," he replied, brushing bits of wood from his coat before walking in. My cheeks heated as he walked past. He went to the parlor, warming his hands by the fire as I headed to the kitchen to pour him a cup.

I walked back in and handed it over. He took it, wrapping both hands around the warm mug. "I needed this," he sighed as he let the steam envelope his face. "Has anyone told you, you make great coffee?"

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