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(Note: This AU ties in my personal lore with Creatures of Sonaria and Dragon Adventures)
Centuries ago before humanity came to be, creatures roamed the great isles known as the Northern Kingdom today.

There was a great diversity amongst these celestial beings, some big, some small; some could swim and some could fly; some with fins, others with feathers.

The world was young, a tapestry of emerald and sapphire woven together by the hands of the First Ones. They were not gods, but beings of pure energy and life, their forms shifting like mist, but their intentions as clear as the dawn.

They were what breathed life into the valleys of the Northern Kingdoms, sculpting landscapes with playful flickers of their hands as they scattered seeds of life all around, and whispered secrets to the winds.

The sun, a molten orb, spilled its fiery light across the boundless plains of the Northern Kingdoms. Lush flora, painted in vibrant hues, swayed gently in the warm breeze.

Here, the air vibrated with a symphony of chirp and trill, emanating from the vibrant creatures who called this land home.

The Northern Kingdoms was a realm of peace, a tapestry woven with the threads of harmony and wonder. The creatures, blessed with a primal instinct for balance, lived in a perpetual state of tranquil coexistence.

Right in the heart of the valley was a large swirling chasm where the streams and rivers flowed into, creating an endless chasm of waterfalls.

It was rumoured that the inanimate marble form of the Divine Celestial was inside, but yet that answer was never confirmed as no creature that entered came out alive from the labyrinthine depths of the caverns.

The First Ones were creators, builders, and artists, and their domain was a paradise untouched by the taint of darkness.

Above them, watching with silent vigilance, were the Wardens. Sent by the Celestial Overlord, these ethereal beings were cloaked in starlight and whispered wisdom into the heart of the world.

They were the guardians, the protectors against the whispers of chaos that lingered at the edge of creation. Their presence was a constant hum of reassurance, a beacon of light in the vastness of the cosmos.

The sun, a molten eye in the sky, cast long shadows across the sprawling plains of the kingdom during the day, and at night the moon cast its beautiful silvery glow across the lands.

The air vibrated with the cacophony of life: the guttural roars of mighty Radidon and Korathos, the skittering of the nimble little Saurium and Keruku, and the melodic warbles of the Eisendrache and Auraron.

The Taihoa soared gracefully, their tails painting streaks of silver against the cerulean sky as they raced with their distant land cousins, the Chrysos. The dark-coloured Neroxide roamed the caves, Adharcaiin lurking behind.

Below, the graceful Axothan, adorned with flowing scales, ambled through the dense underwater forests, while the majestic Casirius, their majestic horns glinting in the sunlight, watched over their pack.

The skies whistled as the agile Vaumora and Venids whizzed past, and the depths of the waters churned as the leviathans, the Tarakas and Magnacetus, swam about.

These were the denizens of the Northern Kingdoms, each a testament to the artistry of their creator - the Celestial Overlord. This was a world untouched by the hand of man, a haven for the creatures of legend.

However, its peace would soon be disrupted by a small error made by Mors'vuhk - Harbinger of death and Sentinel of the dead, the Garra Warden.

Mors'vuhk was the Guardian of the Dead, the ultimate reaper to the lost souls of the Northern Kingdoms. The souls of the lost and the damned were kept in little soul crystals he called Volcanis.

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