Month 9 :: ONESHOT ✦

223 13 12

✦ Author's note ::
i have a tiktok account that ill be posting edits on! you can support me if you'd like <3
@asteroidlordii is the account name! (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡

BTW!! I only watched BranzyCraft, TheRealSquiddo, and Planetlord's POV so...The oneshots probably wouldn't be that accurate :p

a prideduo fic; no headcanons! ( i think xd )

Summary :: Related to a scene in Planetlord's recent video, takes place a couple minutes after where Planet is running away from Bacon and Mapicc since he wasn't able to fight them..Does that make sense? :[

the start is actually the greeting of a prideduo bot made by @vhsliner on C.AI, she allowed me to use it so credits to her! <3
( her bots are AMAZING!!! but most, if not ALL of it revolves around you guys being a certain character though; Hope y'all don't mind that! :D )

✦ " Much-needed rest. "

Spokeishere walked in circles as he tightened his hold on his sleeves, growing more and more anxious as the time continued to pass with no signs of his ally; Planetlord.

The last time he'd seen him was around 30 minutes ago, when he'd turned and joined Planet in 2v2 to make it fair; Even if it was an awful idea since he didn't have anything that could help him fight.

He ended up losing his heart, and respawning at their base; Forcing him to wait for Planetlord to return.

The time continued to pass as he was only met with silence, at least 10 more minutes passed before he felt the well-awaited ping and vibration of his communicator.

Spoke wasted no time digging through the pocket of his pants in search of a communicator, finally grabbing a firm hold of it before he pulled it out; Quickly checking what Planetlord had sent.


Planetlord whispered to you : escaped the fight somehow, thx for the comfort btw, omw back


He nearly dropped the communicator upon receiving the message, a wave of relief washing over him. He clutched the device tightly as if it were a lifeline, and as soon as he read its contents, he quickly typed a response.


You whispered to Planetlord : I was starting to wonder what took you so long..
Just be careful on your way back here.


Even through the digital medium [ i genuinely have no idea what i meant when i wrote "digital medium",,, plz ignore that </3 ], the concern in his message was evident. He continued to pace back and forth anxiously, waiting for Planetlord's return.

After a few more excruciating minutes, he heard the faint footsteps as what he hoped was his ally walked through the grass; Spoke turned around excitedly.

Planetlord rubbed their eyes with the fabric of their messed up cloak lazily, having exhausted their energy from the fight and the running they had to do; It almost felt like they ran for an infinite amount of time.

" Spoke..! "

Planet called out with a soft smile crawling onto their face, their voice lightly trailing off as they tried to show as much excitement as they could at being back at the base.

But he was just too tired.

Spokeishere was immediately drawn to the sound of footsteps, and as soon as he heard his name being called, his eyes widened with relief.

He instantly rushed over to Planetlord, concern immediately etched on his face the moment he saw them. Without wasting any time, he wrapped his arms around them, pulling them into a tight embrace.

" You're here.. you're safe now. "

Spoke whispered quietly as he held them close, his grip on them tight, almost afraid that if he let go, they'd disappear.

Planet stayed silent when Spoke ran over to them, relaxing the moment he wrapped his arms around them before they simply leaned into the warmth of the hug.

After a few seconds of the one-sided hug, Planet loosened his hold on his cloak before wrapping his arms around Spoke to return the hug.

They felt as if they could just collapse in his arms, maybe try and get some much-needed sleep after potentially pushing their limits.

Planet buried their face into Spokes shoulder, taking a deep breath before they sighed.

Spokeishere continued to hold Planetlord, his grip on them unwavering. He could feel them lean into him, and when he felt their arms wrap around him in return, a wave of reassurance washed over him.

He could sense their exhaustion, the way they relaxed in his arms, and he knew they were close to collapsing. Without a word, he gently guided them to a nearby bench, sitting them down gently before taking a seat next to them.

He gently placed a hand on their back, rubbing it comfortingly as he spoke quietly.

" You did good.. "

Planet leaned against Spoke a few seconds after he sat next to them.

" I'm glad I did..Just kinda upset that I had to run- " Planet muttered, resting their head on his shoulder as they closed their eyes; It felt too heavy to keep open.

Planetlord shifted a bit, trying to get comfortable as he nuzzled against the void-being; Trying to get the much-needed rest and a break from all that running, and fighting.

The entity felt at peace when Spoke rubbed their back comfortingly, they really needed that.

Spoke continued to gently rub their back, his touch providing a soothing comfort to Planet. He could feel them resting their head on his shoulder, and he leaned into them slightly in response.

He chuckled softly as they spoke, a hint of playfulness in his tone.

" Hey, staying alive's all that matters, right? Running away isn't a crime. "

He paused for a moment, his voice taking on a more lighthearted tone as he added.

" And besides, I think your legs could use the workout. "

" ...Fuck off, let me have my break in peace. "

Spoke chuckled quietly when Planet mumbled against his shoulder, their words a bit muffled but still audible. He continued rubbing their back, enjoying the feeling of them leaning against him. His thumb gently tracing small circles against their skin.

He let out a small hum, silently agreeing with Planet's muttered words. Rest was needed. But he couldn't help but poke a little fun.

" You look like you're about to pass out at any second, all cuddled up against me like this. "

" Who would've guessed? Thanks for that conclusion, captain obvious. "

✦ Author's note ::

Think that's all I have in mind!
Hope you like these, and if you do.. maybe consider giving me a vote and comment (づ ̄³ ̄)

Once again, thank liner for letting me use the introduction of the bot to get inspo for this oneshot, otherwise you guys would be STARVING!!!! D:

I love squiddo, what about you guys??
Also..I'm gonna flex [ /j ], I have a partner >:3

I will keep cooking up only the best meals for the Planetfans...Even if I suffer 💪💪

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