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✦ Author's note ::

chat im going insane

inspired by a tiktok, dont remember the @ but they're cool XD
Dedicated to CheezeeeeePizza becauss they're very excited for updates <33

using mainly they / them for planetlord for this oneshot, it felt right

Summary :: Two narrators, one protagonist; They [ Narrators ] don't see eye to eye.

✦ " get a load of this monster. "

An entity walked across a barren land, the green grass seemed lifeless and their surroundings were all somewhat grey; The sun shined onto their skin, onto exposed surfaces yet nothing lit up.

Everything seemed so dark, Planetlord didn't know why.

Perhaps, it's because they only cared about their power; Their hearts, abandoning their teammate sounded and definitely is an easy task for them.

I, personally, wouldn't have been surprised if our protagonist actually betrayed his teammate; Spokeishere.

Not at all, it fits their selfish character..They're-

-Hand me the fucking mic, you do them no justice, do you even think at all?

Our protagonist has willingly stayed at 3 hearts, that's barely enough to live; I'd act the same way if I knew being powerful was so lively.

I'd act the same way if being powerful meant I'd be feared, you would too; Wouldn't you?

We narrate, we don't belittle; Pull your shit together.

I apologize for the delay, let's continue with our story; Shall we?
Let's start from the beginning.

On this day, we meet our protagonist, Planetlord.

An entity skipped happily across a green field, chatting alongside their dearest friends as they talked about whatever they found interesting; The birds chirped, the branches of the trees sway as greener leaves fall onto the soft grass.

The sun shined down onto all that is exposed, adding a lively feeling to the atmosphere; Everything seemed so bright, they might as well have gone blind..

✦ Author's note ::

Think that's all I have in mind!
Hope you like these, and if you do..Maybe consider giving me a vote and comment? (づ ̄³ ̄)

Short oneshot, js thought the concept was cool and wanted to write for yall; Add another chapter or smth..

Bold narrator is based off of me cuz i liek planetlord sm :3
and the normal font?????? narrator is based off of my gf cause he's very pessimistic >:\

my gf uses he / him pronouns btw :p

im dyslexic :[

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