5. Sneak Out

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A week has passed since the party was held And I am at ease.Cause of not having any interactions with those troublemakers.
Being seen with them means unwanted attention. I am happy they did not approach us again after the party night,especially Jungkook.

I still can't figure out what he meant that night. I have even started having random thoughts about him these days and that's clearly annoying.

As for Chaerin,she apologized to me for leaving me alone that night. I did forgive her but I am still a bit angry. And she literally freaked out after finding out that Jungkook dropped me home. To her I am considered lucky. But I don't want to be considered as one,if that includes Jungkook.

I have been busy with projects and upcoming exams. And you know what..Dad has been acting weird though. He's barely home,and whenever he is home,he avoids talking much. He smiles at me and reassures me that everything is fine. But I have a gut feeling something is off.

I have been feeling disturbed, cause I feel I am being watched all the time. As if my every move is being noticed.But when look around I find no one,not a single suspicious person in my eyes sight. It's as if someone is watching me closely from afar. There's nothing good about it, I guess.

Right now, I am working on one of the designing projects.I need to submit them next week,but I wanna be quick so that I can get better overview of the project. I want them to be perfect cause I am worried about my academic grades.

I ain't doing that good but i wanna give my best. Home schooling for years does not help once you start going to college. Cause that's a totally new experience, if you never attended school before.

Not that I need to worry much.Dad runs his own company and I am the only child. But i want to be perfect for the title of The CEO of the Company. I wanna support dad and make sure he is proud of me.

I resume my work, getting out of my thoughts. After a few hours when I finally finish my work, I go downstairs for dinner.

My dad looks up as I walk towards the dining table. I greet him before sitting on the chair on his right.We eat in silence, until dad decides to speak up.

Dad: "Yunhee,I have something important to talk to you." He proceeds talking in a really serious manner as I listen to him.
"Actually our company is working on a new project and it's really important to us.That is why I have been working day and night. But the thing is I need to leave for Spain for some important meetings related to this project."

Yunhee:"That's a great news dad, but how long will it take you there" I ask wanting to know why he is so serious.
Dad:"That's the problem I need to leave for at least a month." He speaks in a worried tone.

Yunhee: "Ohh,it's ok dad.I'll be fine. I have grown up now and I can take care of myself." I say reassuring him,so that he would relax.

Dad: "Hm I know you have grown up,but you are my daughter. It's natural for me to worry about you. And that is why I am going to increase the security."
He declares.

Yunhee: "Dad what do you mean by increase. It was already too much,you need to understand I am not a kid anymore I'll be fine. Can't you trust me once!!" I say getting annoyed.

Dad: "It's not that I don't trust YOU, i don't trust others. It's not safe... specially when we have rivals in business." He explains calmly.

I sigh before nodding, He is my dad,If I am stubborn just know I inherited his genes quite well.
Yunhee: "Okay then,fine I'll be careful. But when will you leave for the business trip??" I ask curiously.
Dad: "Uhh..that I need to leave tomorrow early morning."he replies nervously.

𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 -𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 (𝐁𝐭𝐬-𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐅𝐅)Where stories live. Discover now