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Tom tips the antidote into Harry's mouth and gets to his feet, speechless.

How can he have kidnapped Hadrian? Simple answer: he didn't. Whatever his inner circle had been up to over the summer, he had no jurisdiction over. But to claim that Tom himself had kidnapped Hadrian? It's astonishing.

"Relashio," Tom sighs, releasing Hadrian from his bonds. Hadrian springs to his feet, instantly pushing Tom against a wall, wand to Tom's throat.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hex you while you stand," Hadrian seethes.

Tom falters. "Hadrian... I—"

"You had no right," Hadrian fumes. "I keep my secrets for a reason. I'm not trying to kill anyone. I'm not working with fucking Grindelwald. I'm sure as hell not trying to overthrow you, or whatever the fuck you think I'm doing here."

Tom pulls out his wand once more.

Hadrian's eyes widen. "Fuck, Riddle, you can't keep—"

"Obliviate," Tom presses the tip of his wand to Hadrian's temple.

A small green light flashes, and Harry's pupils dilate.

Tom vanishes up the stairs quickly, exhaling.

Hadrian will have no memory of this interaction. And Tom will be free to continue his investigation.

— — —

Harry can't remember when he got to the common room.

It's not uncommon, as of late. Harry notices that he's been forgetting little things, like the conversation he had ten minutes ago or when he entered a room.

So Harry doesn't think much of it.

What does confuse Harry, however, is why Tom looks so nervous at dinner.

Abraxas seems to notice as well, because he gives Tom's shoulder a light nudge. "Oi, Riddle, are you feeling alright?"

Tom's head snaps up. "I am completely fine, Abraxas. I don't need you to be concerned for me."

"He was only worried about you, Tom," Orion rolls his eyes. "Honestly, you're so paranoid sometimes."

"And you're a fucking homosexual," Tom retaliates.

Orion snorts. Harry stares at the three of them. Tom looks incredibly serious, whilst the other two are trying to hold in their laughter. He never took Voldemort for the joking type. Then again, he didn't know Tom as a teenager before.

Abraxas shrugs. "Whatever, mate. You're strange in general, so I'm not going to dwell on it."

He turns to Harry. "Alright first day then, Peverell?"

It takes Harry two seconds before he processes that Abraxas is addressing him. "Oh, yes. It was fine," Harry nods.

"That's good," Orion agrees. "Hope old Dumbledore didn't freak you out too much. The sod assigns so much homework, it feels like all I'm doing is Transfiguration."

Harry frowns. Dumbledore treated him perfectly normal during class. In fact, Dumbledore had even asked if Harry needed some time to review any prior material he hadn't covered during his time being homeschooled.

"He didn't give me much," Harry says slowly.

Tom scowls. "I have a four page essay due tomorrow!"

Abraxas grimaces. "Tough like. Then again, Dumbledore never liked you to begin with."

"Who are we kidding, he hates all Slytherins," Orion rolls his eyes. "Fucking biased."

Harry forces a smile. "Probably going easy on me because I'm new, then."

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